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Art and design, drama and languages post-results services (from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025)
Find out how to make review of marking and moderation (ROMM) requests for art and design, drama and languages.
GCSE, A level and BTEC (NQF) Art and Design
Please note that only review of moderation (Service 3) services are available for these specifications.
Once you have submitted your review of marking request to us through Edexcel Online, we'll send you an acknowledgement letter listing the original sample of candidates. You'll need to ensure that the work of these candidates is available for moderation review. Please notify us once you've received the list of sampled candidates.
We'll make arrangements for a senior moderator to visit your centre. You'll be liable for all associated costs, which we'll calculate pro rata on the basis of the number of candidates who meet the criteria. The costs would include the senior moderator’s fees, travelling expenses, subsistence costs and, if necessary, accommodation costs and teacher-release payments. However, you won't need to pay the standard Service 3 fees in addition to this.
If the requested sample is not available to the senior moderator, he or she will withdraw and we will uphold the original moderation decision. You'll remain liable for all associated costs.
We'll let you know the outcome of your Service 3 request within 35 days of the centre visit.
We hold the original sample per unit/paper across endorsements on LWT. It is possible to request a Service 3 review of moderation on one unit or paper only, but not if your centre has entered for multiple endorsements.
Candidates’ marks may be confirmed, lowered or raised, but we don't require candidates’ consent for this service. You'll also receive a report giving feedback similar to that provided after the original moderation.
Please remember not to return work to candidates until after the review of marking and moderation deadline has passed.
In events where your centre has requested multiple reviews of moderation (Service 3) for GCE/GCSE Art & Design qualifications e.g both Component 1 and 2 and Pearson holds the work digitally, you will only be liable for one of the costs as printed on your acknowledgement letter. You will not be charged for each case separately.
A level and GCSE Drama
For A level Drama (9DR0/2A/2B) and GCSE (9 to 1) Drama (1DR0/02), we hold recordings on LWT and we will be able to complete the review using the recording held on LWT. It will help to speed up the processing of your review of marking request if you submit all requests for a particular paper at the same time.
The fee for this review of marking (Service 2) is £69.10 per candidate and the fee for a priority review of marking (Service P2) is £72.30 per candidate.
GCSE and A level Modern Foreign Languages
For A level and GCSE Modern Foreign Languages oral units, we hold recordings on LWT so there is no need for copies of these to be sent to us. It will help to speed up the processing of your review of marking request if you submit all requests for a particular language at the same time.
You should include a list of the candidates for whom you're requesting a review of marking.