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- > Coursework, controlled assessment and non-exam assessment (NEA)
Coursework, controlled assessment and non-exam assessment (NEA)
Coursework and controlled assessment components assess candidates’ skills, knowledge and understanding that aren’t easily assessed by timed written papers.
Coursework can take many different forms, including presentations, performances, videos, artwork and essays.
Centres must ensure that candidates are clear about the assessment criteria that they're expected to meet in their coursework and controlled assessment tasks. You'll find information about the subject-specific criteria on the relevant qualification page.
Submitting marks
You can submit marks to us through Edexcel Online or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) depending on the specification. For some qualifications EDI submissions are not available. Please refer to the ‘Instructions for Internally Assessed Components’ or ‘Guidance for Moderation’ documents for each specification. Please see the guidance on submitting marks.

Removal of OPTEMS
In order to help increase security, and also allow more time for centres to process and submit their centre assessed marks, from Summer 2017 we will only be allowing centres to submit those marks online; via Edexcel Online or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI).
This will be in keeping with other Awarding Organisations, and will offer the following advantages:
- you will be able to submit marks right up to the deadline
- a reduction in the amount of paper being sent through the system, and stored in centres
- it will eliminate the risk of OPTEMS being lost or damaged in the post
- Edexcel Online will display the latest allocated moderator details, capturing any late changes
If your teaching staff usually complete their own OPTEMS forms, please see the guide below on how you can give senior teachers or Heads of Department the relevant access to Edexcel Online to complete their own electronic submissions.
The only exception to this change will be for Entry Level Certificate (Academic) which will continue to have marks submitted via OPTEMS, as these qualifications are not on Edexcel Online.
Qualification and exam series |
Coursework mark deadline |
Notes |
CiDA NG – June
15 May |
Final date for submission of centre marks and moderation samples |
ELC (Academic) – June 2016
15 May |
GCE A level – June
15 May |
GCSE – June
15 May |
International GCSE and Edexcel Certificate – June |
15 May |
Project Qualification – June
15 May |
If you discover an error after submitting a coursework mark, you can amend it by emailing your centre number, the unit and candidate details, and details of the mark(s) to be amended, to:
- courseworkmarks@pearson.com - before the issue of results
- resultsresolution@pearson.com - after the issue of results
- edexcelappeals@pearson.com - after the EAR3 deadline.
You’ll need to include an explanation for the change with the request, and we may ask for further evidence.
Candidates whose work is required for sampling will be identified on Edexcel Online and on the OPTEMS form. Please note that even when the highest and lowest marked candidates are not identified as part of the sample, you should still include them in the sample you send to the moderator.
For other instances in which candidates’ coursework should be manually included in the sample, please refer to the individual subject specifications.
For A level Applied ICT you should also refer to the detailed additional information about samples in Section 5 of the document ‘Moderation of eportfolios: guidance for centres’, available in the course materials for A level Applied ICT, under 'Teaching materials' - 'Coursework administration'.
Where centre-assessed work has been lost through no fault of the candidate, please complete Form 15 below and email it to courseworkmarks@pearson.com