November BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media Update | Pearson qualifications

BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media November update

Fri Nov 01 14:57:00 UTC 2024

Welcome to the November update from your Subject Advisor.  

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To all the centres that have recently enjoyed a school break, I hope you were able to take some time to relax and recharge. I also hope the school year is going well for everyone and that you are finding it to be productive and fulfilling.

Please take a moment to explore the resources in this update, mark the training events in your calendar, and familiarise yourself with relevant news and information. We are here to support you in creating a positive and inclusive learning environment for your students.

Thank you for your dedication and hard work. Wishing you continued success this school year!

For updates on the qualification(s) you deliver, please click on the relevant sections below.


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 Vocational Updates

The January Challenge 2025

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Become a Creativity Champion!

64 Million Artists (supported by Pearson) have created a resource pack for schools to support delivery of The January Challenge 2025.

This initiative will help more students, and more teachers feel creative at school, creating a stronger sense of community, agency, wellbeing, and a capacity to engage with the curriculum.

We hope a creative January inspires a creative February and beyond!

Check out our BTEC guidance for use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in practical creative assessments, supplementary to the JCQ AI Use in Assessments guidance.

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CreateBritain brings together every aspect of British Design and Creativity and is an excellent resource for Level 3-5 qualifications with professional practice. Learners can build digital portfolios for assessment before making them public after certification in order to connect professionally.

Find out more about CREATEBritain

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 BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award Updates

We have published new exemplar standardisation materials for internally assessed components from the June 2024 series. You can download these from the qualification course materials page under teaching and learning materials. We add new exemplars after every assessment series to give you additional fresh examples based on the most recent PSAs.

Tech Award (2022) Art and Design Practice - Exemplar Standardisation Materials

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Tech Award (2022) Creative Media Production - Exemplar Standardisation Materials

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All of the Tech Awards (2022) key dates can be found in the 2024-2025 key dates schedule.

Please note, due to the terminal assessment rules, the externally assessed component must be sat during the same assessment series in which certification for the qualification is requested.

Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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Tech Award (2022) Art and Design Practice - Assessment Tracker

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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Tech Award (2022) Creative Media Production - Assessment Tracker

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Check out the BTEC Bitesize series for BTEC Tech Awards (2022) in Art and Design Practice and Creative Media Production, designed to support your planning and delivery.

BTEC Bitesize - Tech Award (2022) Art and Design Practice playlist

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BTEC Bitesize - Tech Award (2022) Creative Media Production playlist

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Check out the latest updates on Tech Awards (2022) and sign up for future updates.



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 BTEC L2 Skills and L3 National Updates

Our Level 2 Skills qualifications in Art and Design Skills and Creative Media Skills have been extended in England and Northern Ireland. 

The last registration date is now 31 July 2027. The last certification date is 31 July 2029.

In January the DfE published the provisional list of qualifications overlapping with T Levels in wave 4, and awarding organisations had the opportunity to appeal these decisions.

We are pleased to announce that we have successfully appealed the defunding of the following qualifications: 

Qualification number

Qualification title


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National 540 Diploma in Creative Media Practice


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Creative Media Practice


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Diploma in Creative Digital Media Production

This means that the above qualifications will continue to be available for funding until at least 31 July 2026.  The DfE will update their funding information in the coming weeks to reflect this announcement.

Funding for the following two qualifications is being considered as part of the DfE’s focused review which will conclude in December, at which point it will be confirmed if funding will be extended beyond the current funding end date of 31 July 2025.  

Qualification number

Qualification title


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Diploma in Film and Television Production


Pearson BTEC Level 3 National Extended Certificate in Digital Film and Video Production

Dates for the external assessments can be found in the Pearson exam timetables for the relevant assessment series. Also, key dates and guidance for Quality Assurance activities can be found the quality support page.

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For internally assessed units, check out our BTEC quality assurance pages for key dates, centre guides, support, and training.

BTEC Centre Guide to Quality Assurance
BTEC Centre Guide to Quality Assurance
pdf | 1.0 MB
BTEC Centre Guide to Internal Assessment
BTEC Centre Guide to Internal Assessment
pdf | 701.4 KB
BTEC Centre Guide for the Lead Internal Verifier
BTEC Centre Guide for the Lead Internal Verifier
pdf | 600.5 KB

BTEC Level 2 Skills qualifications are Level 2 qualifications for Level 3 learners. They help your learners acquire the latest key skills and knowledge they'll need to progress to further learning such as BTEC Level 3 Nationals or A Levels.

BTEC Level 2 Skills qualifications:

  • are 100% internally assessed by you
  • include practical, career-focused activities that will help your learners apply their learning to workplace contexts
  • prepare your learners for their next steps.

Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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BTEC Level 2 Skills qualifications are Level 2 qualifications for Level 3 learners. They help your learners acquire the latest key skills and knowledge they'll need to progress to further learning such as BTEC Level 3 Nationals or A Levels.

BTEC Level 2 Skills qualifications:

  • are 100% internally assessed by you
  • include practical, career-focused activities that will help your learners apply their learning to workplace contexts
  • prepare your learners for their next steps.

Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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 International BTEC Updates

The BTEC International Quality Assurance centre guides are for everyone involved in delivery, assessment and verification of BTEC qualifications and gives full details of our quality assurance processes for the academic year. 

BTEC International Centre Guide to Internal Assessment 24-25
Centre Guide to Internal Assessment 24-25
pdf | 744.3 KB
BTEC International Centre Guide to Internal Verification 24-25
Centre Guide to Internal Verification 24-25
pdf | 824.4 KB
BTEC International Centre Guide to Assignment Writing 24-25
Centre Guide to Assignment Writing 24-25
pdf | 589.2 KB

Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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 BTEC Higher National Updates

We launched our new BTEC Higher Nationals qualifications for Art, Design and Media in September 2023 alongside our existing qualifications. Our aim is to give you more flexibility and scope when designing your curriculum so we hope you enjoy our new titles.

The documents to help support the delivery of the BTEC Higher National qualifications are located on HN Global. 

First, click on this link to log into your HN Global account:

Sign in to HN Global 

Second, click on this link to access the Art, Design and Media (2023) delivery materials:

Art, Design and Media resources

HN Global

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Whether you're new to delivering Higher Nationals or already offer our qualifications, this page outlines the processes and helpful resources to get you started.

With our quality assurance process for all BTEC higher-level programmes we can be sure our centres are meeting national standards.  

Our enhanced quality assurance (QA) processes are in place for all Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications. The enhanced processes embed specific higher education expectations alongside Pearson’s QA expectations for its other BTEC qualifications. This enables us to work with approved centres to ensure that our qualifications are delivered to the required, UK Higher Education, national standards. 



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 T Level Updates

Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year, including new support materials that have been recently added!

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan for next school year, including new support materials that have been recently added!

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Check out the latest updates on T Levels and sign up for future updates.



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 BTEC Level 1 Introductory Updates

This session is aimed at UK teachers who are currently teaching or internally verifying the BTEC Level 1 Introductory qualification.

This live session will take you through:

  • Methods of meeting the criteria: ways in which learner work could be evidenced.
  • How to assess work: how to assess the BTEC Level 1 Introductory qualifications effectively.
  • Opportunity for questions: opportunity to ask the trainer  about any assessment or assessment evidence questions you might have.

This training provides an opportunity to learn more about how to assess learner work accurately on the full suite of BTEC Level 1 Introductory qualifications. 

A group for teachers of BTEC level 1 introductory, Entry Level and BTEC Workskills and BTEC personal growth and wellbeing to share best practice and to seek information about the courses on offer.

Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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Here are some helpful resources to help you plan this school year.

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Check out the latest newsletter for BTEC Level 1 and below and sign up for future updates.


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 Helpful Resources and Inspiration

Importance of the Arts in Education

The importance of the arts in education and the value they bring to young people is at the heart of what we do. Designing courses that give students an authentic creative experience is a priority and it is vital that we continue to raise the profile of our subjects in education and beyond. As such, below is a range of external resources invaluable to your wider curriculum development.


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NSEAD iJADE 2024 Conference

This year’s iJADE conference will be held in partnership with Liverpool Hope University, with the theme of Peace. This event will take place online 7 November 2024 and in person 9 November 2024 in Liverpool.

Book the iJADE 2024 conference

Art UK Audio Descriptions

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Audio Descriptions of Artwork

Did you know that Art UK provides audio descriptions of artworks? These valuable resources not only assist individuals with visual impairments but also aid all learners in developing a deeper comprehension of artworks.

Check out Art UKs audio description resources 

Association for Art History

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Ways of Seeing Conference

The Association for Art History will be hosting their annual Ways of Seeing conference for all A level History of Art teachers and students on 23 November 2024. The day includes talks, discussions and workshops on ways of thinking about art in relation to a specific theme.

Book the Ways of Seeing 2024 conference

The Superpower of Looking

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The Superpower of Looking NEW Resource

Art UK has published a new, free resource to encourage visual literacy, taking the world of art and images as its starting point. The Superpower of Looking: a powerful portrait by Kehinde Wiley focuses on Wiley's 2020 painting 'Portrait of Melissa Thompson'. 

View the free teaching resource from Art UK

V&A Innovate

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V&A Innovate

V&A Innovate is an annual National Schools Challenge, asking students in years 7, 8 and 9 to work in teams of 4 – 6 to design a solution to a real-world problem. Deadline for entry is 10 January 2025.

Learn more and register to take part 

Art Bytes

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Art Bytes

Art Bytes is a national art and EdTech programme for primary, secondary and SEND schools, combining an inter-school art competition with a bespoke virtual gallery. It aims to nurture talent, raise ambition and develop confidence, as well as support mental health and help develop vital skills for future employment.

Learn more about Art Bytes 

Dryad How-To Guides

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Free How-To Guides

The eduction supplier Dryad publishes a series of free how-to guides, centered around a wide range of artistic mediums including printmaking, painting, drawing, and more. These guides offer helpful tutorials for both educators and learners alike.

Explore the free How-To Guides

Arts Council England

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Culture and Place Data Explorer

The Arts Council England have launched an interactive tool help build a detailed picture of what culture and creativity looks like in a specific area. The Culture and Place Data Explorer can instantly produce detailed reports and dashboards of local authority areas with local, regional and national comparisons.

Learn more about the Culture and Place Data Explorer tool


Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and the team using the contact details below. 

You can also sign up to get these Art, Design & Media updates straight to your inbox every month.

Sign up for Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor updates


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