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BTEC Higher Nationals HN Global

Find out more about the HN Global platform, which contains resources to help both tutors and students get the most out of their Higher National experience.
What is HN Global?
HN Global is a dedicated online learning platform, containing various free resources to support staff delivering a BTEC Higher National programme, as well as guide students who are on their learning journey. The global forum connects students and tutors with the opportunity to discuss common themes and share good practice.

Our aim
We hope HN Global will become an integral part of the Higher National experience. We look forward to working in collaboration with your centre and students to make it a resource that meets all our BTEC Higher National students' needs worldwide.
HN Global also provides access to the following:
- The Learning Zone - created for students, this includes study materials such as core textbooks, Study Skills modules, subject resource libraries and an e-library.
- a Progression Hub - accessible by students, this features opportunities to develop employability skills.
- The Tutor Resources section, which hosts a wealth of delivery materials, reading lists, blended learning resources, video guidance on assessment and professional development opportunities.
- the QA Hub - accessible by staff, this contains templates and further centre guidance support.
How can you sign-up?
Signing up is simple, you just need to complete a short self-registration form to create your own account, which will grant you access to the resources available to support your programme.
Marketing pack
We created a number of documents for both students and centre staff that explain the benefits of joining the platform.
Your data
Pearson is unable to access personal information and we will not ask centres for any data. However, once you have accepted HN Global’s terms and conditions, Pearson will receive user data and use it solely for administrative purposes. No data will be shared with third parties.
Would you like to know more?
If you're from a centre in the UK and are interested in demo of HN Global, please email us at hnglobal@pearson.com.