On this page you'll find a range of training and admin support resources to help you deliver T Levels. Bookmark this page to keep up-to-date with latest information and events.

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Admin support

We've included below a list of resources to help you deliver T Levels qualifications. 

In addition to these we also run regular training events - details about these are listed in the Training section further down this page.


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Craft and Design

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Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction

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Digital Production, Design and Development

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Legal Services

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Media Broadcast and Production

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All T Levels

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T Level fees 2023-2024

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T Level fees 2024-2025

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We have produced a selection of videos to help you with the administration of our T Level Technical Qualifications.  These include topics such as Assessment Scheduling, Assessment, Results and Resits, Key Dates Schedule, and Provider Approval. 

We will continue to add content to this section so please check back regularly for the latest information.

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