T Levels Training and admin support

On this page you'll find a range of training and admin support resources to help you deliver T Levels. Bookmark this page to keep up-to-date with latest information and events.
Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction
Digital Production, Design and Development
Media Broadcast and Production
T Level fees 2023-2024
T Level fees 2024-2025
We have produced a selection of videos to help you with the administration of our T Level Technical Qualifications. These include topics such as Assessment Scheduling, Assessment, Results and Resits, Key Dates Schedule, and Provider Approval.
We will continue to add content to this section so please check back regularly for the latest information.
Network events
Live training events
Q&A network events
These sessions give you the opportunity to receive updates, network together, and share best practice, which has proved valuable for new providers when speaking to those who have delivered from 2020.
Getting ready to teach events
There is an expectation delegates will have watched the ‘Getting to know the specification’ briefing prior to attending this event as an overview of the TQ structure and specification will not be covered.
These live sessions will take you through:
- Planning your programme
- Reviewing elements of the content and practical ways it can be delivered
- Signposting the ongoing support available to you.
Getting ready to assess events
This free event is designed to give you an understanding of the approach to assessments.
Ahead of atending this session, it would be useful to view the Specimen Assessment Materials (SAM) and Additional Specimen Assessment Materials (AdSAM).
Introducing T Levels: Keeping it simple
We've created a series of on-demand training videos called 'Keeping it Simple'. These take things back to basics explaining what a T Level is, what the Core componet is, and what the Occupational Specialism is. They are ideal for you touse to introduce T Levels to your teaching staff, prospective students and their parents, or employers supporting your industry placements.

Youtube Video Title
Youtube video contentRelated Videos

Getting to know the specification
On-demand briefings to help you get to know the specification including a generic introduction and overviews for the Core Component and also the Occupationional Specialist Component.
Generic introduction
Includes where to locate the specification, an overview of the contents, and key areas to pay attention to.
Core and Occupational Specialist Components
An overview of the Core Component and its assessments, how to read the specification, high-level content of the exams, and how the ESP is structured and scheduled.
Occupational Specialist Component
An overview of the Occupational Specialist Component and assessment, how to read the specification, how the OS project is structured and scheduled.

Accounting and Finance

Youtube Video Title
Youtube video contentRelated Videos

Design, Surveying and Planning for Construction
Craft and Design
Media, Broadcast and Production
Legal Services
Autumn term 2024

Autumn term 2023

Summer term 2023