Art, Design and Media | Pearson qualifications

Art, Design and Media

AS and A Level Art and Design accredited specifications
Our accredited specifications for the Edexcel AS and A level in Art and Design from 2015 are now available, and you can download them free today.

The Windsor Festival Schools Programme
See some of the fantastic student artworks exhibited at this year's Windsor Festival Schools Programme.

Drawing in the new AS and A level Art and Design
Find out more about the new emphasis on drawing in AS and A level Art and Design from 2015.

Preparing for the exam: Unit 7 Recording for Creative Intentions
Here's some guidance you may find useful when preparing your BTEC First learners for the Externally Set Task.

GCSE Art and Design update
As we move towards the end of the teaching year, this GCSE update invites you to share work from your final exhibitions and takes a look ahead at the new 2016 GCSE.

BTEC Art and Design update
As we move towards the end of the teaching year, this BTEC update covers final exhibitions, moderation of NQF BTEC Firsts and an extension to the QCF BTEC First Diploma in Art and Design at 16+.

A level Art and Design update
As we move towards the end of the teaching year, this update covers final exhibitions, moderation of the ESA, and the new 2015 A level.

BTEC Creative Media Digital Production update
We are now moving into the final phase of the teaching year where Creative Media work is being prepared and put up into end of year Shows for family and friends to share.

Art and Design discount codes
Information on the Department for Education discount codes for GCSE, AS and A level Art and Design.

Submitting Coursework and Exam Unit Marks
Find out more about submitting coursework and exam unit marks for academic qualifications in Art and Design suite

Amendment Notice for BTEC Higher Nationals in Art and Design Programme Specification - RQF 2017 - Issue 3
Amendment Notice for BTEC Higher National Certificate & Diploma in Art Programme Specification - RQF 2017 - Issue 3.

Art, Design and Media Summer Update 2017
Find out the latest news for vocational qualifications in Art, Design and Media suite

Changes to Unit 1: Media Representations
Find out about changes made to Unit 1: Media Representations in January 2018 exam series.

Entry deadlines for Summer 2018
This update contains details of the entry deadlines for the Summer 2018 series.

Updates to the RQF BTEC Higher National in Creative Media Production
Read our document for more information on updates that have been made to the RQF BTEC Higher National in Creative Media Production.

Post-results services for Vocational Qualifications in Art, Design and Media
Here you will find more information about the post-results services available for vocational qualifications in Art, Design and Media.

Post-results services for GCSE, AS and A Level in Art and Design 2018 Examination Series
Here you will find more information about the post-results services available to you and your learners certificating in GCSE and GCE Art and Deisgn in 2018.

Employer Involvement in BTEC Level 3 Tech-Level Qualifications
Find out more information about the mandatory requirements for employer involvement in BTEC Level 3 Tech-level qualifications in the creative suite.

Subject Advisor Q&A online support events Art and Media
Subject Advisor Q&A online support events for Art and Media

BTEC Creative Media Conference
Register to attend BTEC Creative Media Conference.

Post-Results information for BTEC Nationals in Art and Design and Creative Digital Media Production
Post-Results information for BTEC Nationals in Art and Design and Creative Digital Media Production

New BTEC Nationals for September 2019
New BTEC Nationals for September 2019

Art and Design Subject Advisor - Online Surgeries
The surgeries will provide briefings on the latest qualification news and relevant Key Dates in your teaching calendar, supported by slides and FAQs, you will be able to ask questions, share ideas and offer feedback on your experiences.

Art, Design and Media eUpdates
Subscribing to subject advisor email updates for Art, Design and Media qualifications.

Summer 2020 results day update
Summer 2020 results day update, highlighting what you need to know before, on and after results day.

Ofqual announcements for 2021 examinations - Art, Design and Media
We are currently working with Ofqual to finalise what our Pearson Edexcel exams (Art, Design and Media) will look like next year.

GCSE and A Level Art and Design Teacher Support - September 2020
GCSE and A Level Art and Design Teacher Support - September 2020

Introduction to the new Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor
This update is to introduce our new Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor.

July Art, Design and Media Update
Welcome to the July update from your Subject Advisor.

Getting Ready for Results Day
Access key information and guidance for the results period for Art, Design and Media subjects, including key dates, details of post-results services and grade boundaries.

September Art, Design and Media Update
Welcome to the September update from your Subject Advisor.

October Art, Design and Media Update
Welcome to the October update from your Subject Advisor.

November Art, Design and Media Update
Welcome to the November update from your Subject Advisor.

Externally Set Assignment Update
Externally Set Assignment update for A Level, GCSE, and International GCSE Art and Design

August Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

September A Level, GCSE and International GCSE Art Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

September BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

September Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

October A Level, GCSE and International GCSE Art Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

October BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

October Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

November A Level, GCSE and International GCSE Art Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

November BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

November Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

December A Level, GCSE and International GCSE Art Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

December BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

December Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

January A Level, GCSE and International GCSE Art Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

January BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

January Art, Design and Media Update
Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor update

New BTEC HTQ in Photography nurtures talent beyond the lens
Discover how Pearson's new HTQ in Photography is transforming the future of aspiring photographers by focusing on skills, creativity and critical thinking.


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