BTEC Higher Nationals Delivering Higher Nationals
Whether you're new to delivering Higher Nationals or already offer our qualifications, this page outlines the processes and helpful resources to get you started.
Centre and programme approval
First, your centre will need to be approved to deliver our qualifications. Your exams officer can assist you in becoming a centre and getting a qualification approved.
If you are located outside of the UK, please speak to your nearest Pearson office.
Our Higher Nationals are co-designed with industry, higher and further education experts, as well as students, across a wide array of subjects.
Delivering Higher Nationals
Teaching and learning resources
To support centres to deliver qualifications,and recruit students, we have created a few extra resources that we hope you will find useful.
Progression and recognition
Our Higher Nationals are recognised by universities and employers from around the world, offering students the peace of mind that they can progress to their chosen path once they have completed their qualification.