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- > Post-results services for Edexcel International GCSE
Edexcel International GCSE
If you're not happy with your International GCSE results, there are several options available to you. Find out about our review of marking service and how to get a copy of your exam paper, and read the answers to FAQs about post-results services.
Select from the tabs below to find out more about how to get the marking of your work reviewed and get a copy of your marked work.
Can I get the marking of my exam paper checked?
Yes. Quality assurance procedures are in place throughout every stage of the exam cycle, but if you're concerned that your grade is wrong, you can ask us to perform additional checks.
If you'd like to request one of our 'Reviews of marking and moderation' (RoMM) services previously known as 'Enquiries about results' (EAR) services, you'll need to speak to the exams officer at your school or college, who will ask us to review the marking of your question paper on your behalf.
When will I get the result?
The table below shows when you can expect an outcome. For information about deadlines and fees, see:
Service | How long will it take? |
Priority review of marking (Service P2) | Up to 15 days |
Review of marking (Service 2) | Up to 20 days |
Clerical check (Service 1) |
Up to 10 days |
Can I get my coursework mark reviewed?
It's not normally possible for you to ask us to look at your coursework again.
Can I see my answers/get a copy of my marked exam paper?
Yes. The exams officer at your school or college will be able to request for us to return your marked question paper on your behalf. This service is sometimes called an ‘Access to Script’ request.
Important dates and fees
Your school or college may ask you to pay for these services before they submit your application. For information about deadlines and fees, see:
Can I get my coursework back?
Yes. You can ask your school or college to return any project, coursework or controlled assessments.
Can I resit an exam/resubmit coursework for an International GCSE?
You can retake any International GCSE by resitting all of the exams. This means that if you had to take two exams when you first completed your course, you'll need to resit both papers again, in the same exam session, to get a new grade.
The rules for resubmitting coursework vary by subject so you'll need to check with your teacher to see whether you can improve your existing work or will need to complete a different task.
Most of our International GCSEs are assessed in both January and June exam sessions. You can find exam dates by checking our exam timetables or by speaking to your exams officer.
There is a charge for taking our exams and you'll need to check with your exams officer to see if your school will pay for you to redo a course. If you have to pay the entry fee yourself, you can find out what we charge your centre on the fees page. However, please be aware that many schools and colleges will charge an administration cost on top of our fee.
Student information
- GCSE post-results services
- A level post-results services
- International Certificate and International Certificate YL
- International GCSE post-results services
- International Advanced Level post-results services
- Functional Skills post-results services
- Project post-results services
- BTEC First, National and Higher National post-results services
- T Levels post-results services