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- > Post-results services for the Project qualification
Project qualification
If you're not happy with your Project results, there are several options available to you. Find out about our review of marking and moderation service, and read the answers to FAQs about post-results services.
Can I get my project back?
Yes. We (or your school) will keep your project until after results day, in case your school wants to ask questions about your result. If you want your project back after results day, please speak to your teacher or exams officer. If we have your work, your teacher or exams officer will be able to request that we return it.
Can I get my project reviewed?
It's not normally possible for you to ask us to look at your project again.
Your teacher marks all of your project work. It is then moderated, meaning that we request a sample of your teacher’s marked work and we check that we agree with their assessment.
Moderation is necessary to make sure that all students have their project assessed according to the same standards. Most of the time, your teacher’s marks will be approved and accepted unchanged. However, sometimes marks are reduced or raised, if your teacher’s marking was judged to have been too lenient or too harsh.
If you think that the mark on your results slip is not the mark your teacher gave you, please check with your teacher to see what happened to marks after moderation. If we did not adjust your mark, talk to your teacher or exams officer and they’ll get in touch with us. If we did adjust your mark, your teacher will need to decide if they want to send back all of the work from your school or college for remoderation.
We can't remoderate an individual project or remoderate work where we didn't change your teacher's mark. Projects can be remoderated if we changed the marks given by your teacher, but it is up to your school to decide whether they request this.
Your school or college will need to base their decision on whether to request remoderation of projects on what is best for the majority of students. If your school has decided not to submit projects for remoderation, you will need to discuss this directly with them as we can’t overturn their decision.
When we receive a request for project remoderation, the projects of all students originally entered at your school or college go through the moderation process again. This means that we request the same sample of marking and a senior moderator will check the assessment again. Changes made to grades during remoderation may affect all students who submitted work for that subject at your school or college.
The rules around marking, moderating and remoderating coursework and controlled assessments are agreed jointly by the major UK awarding organisations. They are in place to ensure that all students are treated equally, regardless of the awarding organisation used for their subject.
You can redo any Project and we'll issue a new grade and certificate for your work.
Although there is nothing to prevent you from improving an existing project, you will need to make significant changes to your work if you are planning to resubmit it. It's also important that you check with your teacher to see whether they will be happy to mark a new project for you.
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- GCSE post-results services
- A level post-results services
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