June BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media Update | Pearson qualifications

BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media June update

Mon Jun 17 13:57:00 UTC 2024

Welcome to the June update from your Subject Advisor.  

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With the final school term upon us, I hope you have a chance to reflect on the positive impact you have had on your learners this year. This month, our examinations and moderation finish and we begin to think about planning for the next school year.

This update focuses on these aspects, supporting you with finalising everything for the summer series in preparation for results days this August, as well as providing resources to help your curriculum planning and development for next school year. There are lots of training events coming up for the new school year and we are continuing to improve our support resources, so I will highlight these each month as they become available, including some recent developments linked in this update.

However, as we look towards results days and the new school year, please also remember to take time to pause and begin to unwind as the school break draws nearer.

For updates on the qualification(s) you deliver, please see the relevant sections below.


You can also sign up to get these Art, Design & Media updates straight to your inbox every month.

Sign up for Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor updates 


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 Vocational Updates


Results Days


Date released to centre

Date released to student

BTEC Nationals

7 August 2024

15 August 2024

BTEC Firsts, Tech Awards (2022)

16 August 2024

22 August 2024


To access our results services and secure materials, and you will need an Edexcel Online login (EOL) to access this. EOL accounts are managed by the centre Exams Officer / EOL Administrator. If, as a teacher, you need an EOL login please talk to your Exams Officer who will be able to get you set up. 

Please note that as an additional step for securing customer and learner data we have now introduced our new app-based multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all users of Edexcel Online, replacing the email-based MFA. The app is now mandatory to access Edexcel Online via the Pearson Portal. If you've not done so already, you'll need to download the Pearson authenticator app to a smart device (such as a smart phone) to continue to access Edexcel online via the Pearson Portal.

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Post-Results Services

Post-Results Service


Reviews of marking and moderation (Service P2) 29 August 2024

Reviews of marking and moderation (Services 1, 2 and 3) 

26 September 2024

Access to Scripts (ATSPE and ATSO)

26 September 2024

Access to Scripts (ATSC) 13 December 2024

The document below provides full details on which services are available for each of our Edexcel components/units.


Retention of Learner Work/Evidence

Original learner evidence must be kept current, safe, and secure for 12 weeks after learners have been certificated (unless specifically advised longer due to unforeseen circumstances). Please note that the 12 weeks starts once the certificates have been received by your centre.

Following learner certification, the following BTEC documentation should be retained for a minimum of three years for centre and awarding body scrutiny as required:

  • assignment briefs
  • assessment records (feedback sheets)
  • the associated internal verification documentation
  • achievement tracking at criteria and unit/component level

Find out more about Retention of Learner Work/Evidence



 BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award Updates

As the end of the summer series draws nearer, we have released information and support for the next school year to help with your planning, including the 2024-2025 Key Dates Schedule. You can also find further support and guidance under the drop-down menus below.



 BTEC Level 3 National Updates



 International BTEC Updates



 BTEC Higher National Updates



 T Level Updates

As first delivery of the creative T Levels draws nearer, we have released new resources and training dates for Craft and Design and Media, Broadcast and Production. You can find these links and other guidance under the drop-down menus below.

View all T Level training and admin support



 BTEC Level 1 Introductory Updates


 Helpful Resources and Inspiration

Importance of the Arts in Education

The importance of the arts in education and the value they bring to young people is at the heart of what we do. Designing courses that give students an authentic creative experience is a priority and it is vital that we continue to raise the profile of our subjects in education and beyond. As such, below is a range of external resources invaluable to your wider curriculum development.


Sky Arts ‘Access All Arts’ Week

Access All Arts week is a nationwide, week-long celebration of the arts, specially designed for primary schools. Between 17 – 21 June 2024 you’ll be able to take your pupils on a creative adventure with a whole host of brand-new arts resources.

View the free Sky Arts resources


Art UK Learning Resources

Teach, learn, create and connect... Discover free resources to support teaching across the primary and secondary curriculum or find inspiration for self-directed learning.

View the free Art UK learning resources 


Teaching Film Series

Into Film, the UK's leading charity for film in education, have launched their Teaching Film series, a collection of bitesize courses focused on short film production. The course has been designed specifically for educators delivering film qualifications to young people aged 14-19.

Visit the Into Film website to enrol


Art History Now - Curated Contributions

In celebration of the Association for Art History's 50th anniversary, art history advocates reflect on the reasons why art history matters in the world and what art history means to them, including award-winning artists, Sonya Boyce, Antony Gormley, Grayson Perry and Cornelia Parker, amongst many others.

Read the Art History Now soundbites from advocates


Art History Now - 50 Careers Videos

In celebration of the Association for Art History's 50th anniversary, they have launched 50 videos highlighting career pathways, both within and outside of the art field, followed by a diverse and intriguing range of art history graduates. 

The first 20 of these include everything from a provenance researcher, auction specialist and art crime writer to a TV producer, perfumer and funeral director. Subscribe to the AAH YouTube channel to be the first to see when more of these are released.

Watch the Art History Now careers videos


Black Histories in the Classroom

Black Histories in the Classroom offers new and exciting ways for your students to engage with Tate’s collection. Devised to increase teacher confidence in discussing race and cultural differences in the classroom, each resource is co-created with teacher experts, and rooted in anti-racist practice. This resource explores heritage and belonging through Zohra Opoku's artwork.

View the free Black Histories in the Classroom resource


NSEAD The Big Landscape

A new resource that maps the breadth and scope of art, craft and design education, drawing together important research, essential definitions and examples of good practice to support teaching and learning in your centre.

Find out more about The Big Landscape


Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and the team using the contact details below. 


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