Edexcel T Level Accounting support resources | Pearson qualifications

TL Accounting: delivery support

21 October 2024

Resources and other support which might help your teaching of the T Level in Accounting.

Read more

There is a sister page to help you understand the assessment of this qualification.

Planning delivery

There is no one set way to deliver the qualification.  Three possibilities are indicated below and in the end you will decide which assessment pattern best suits your circumstances, which will include the timing of your employer placements.

A straight Year 1/2 split between the Core and the Occupational Specialism

Specification Teaching and learning Assessment
Core Year 1 End of Year 1
Occupational Specialism Year 2 End of Year 2

In this model you can decouple the core exams and the ESP.

Specification Teaching and learning Assessment
Core Exams Year 1 End of Year 1
Core ESP Year 1 November Year 2
Occupational Specialism Year 2 End of Year 2

In this model you leave all the assessment until the end of the course.

Specification Teaching and learning Assessment
Core Years 1 and 2 End of Year 2
Occupational Specialism Years 1 and  2 End of Year 2

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The qualification page provides:

  • the specification
  • curriculum planners
  • case studies
  • worksheets
  • powerpoint presentations

The FT's free online subscription for students aged 16-19, their teachers and schools around the world is a very valuable resource for all teachers.

We have a T Level Facebook group where you can share ideas and post questions. The group has around 200 members.

The files section of the Facebook group also includes resources shared by other teachers.

There are resources you might be able to use and/or adapt for Themes 1 and 8 in the T Level dropbox folder.


ACCA offers free e-learning to help people on their Accountancy journey.

Students can sign up for ACCA X where they gain access to Level 2 and 3 Financial Accounting and Management Accounting resources.

In addition, ACCA will offer all T Level students the opportunity to sit the Management Accounting exam (MA2) for £100 (including registration and exam fee). This will enable students to demonstrate competence in this subject and enable them to progress more confidently to a Level 4 Apprenticeship.

Information and resources

We have included below links to ACCA information and resources available for you and your students.

ACCA are a thriving global community of 233,000 members and 536,000 future members based in 178 countries and regions, who work across a wide range of sectors and industries. They uphold the highest professional and ethical values.

They offer everyone everywhere the opportunity to experience a rewarding career in accountancy, finance and management. Their qualifications and learning opportunities develop strategic business leaders, forward-thinking professionals with the financial, business and digital expertise essential for the creation of sustainable organisations and flourishing societies.

Their expertise as a global professional body and their professional members, ranging from large corporate organisations to small accounting businesses, have been involved in the design and creation of the TQ, and will continue to support the teaching and learning of the T level in Accounting, by providing tutor support materials, regional employer support and links, and a clear progression route to ACCA professional qualifications with the T Level being accepted as an entry to the Level 4 ACCA apprenticeship.

ACCA are also supporting the software offers available from Intuit Quickbooks, Sage and Xero, for teachers and learners. They offer not only access to software for accounting tasks, but also the opportunity for learners to gain their software certification and alignment to their vast range of employer links for potential placements.

ACCA has introduced a number of employers to T level Colleges as well as raising awareness of the opportunities that T Levels in Accounting offer and can target employers in your area to promote placements.

If your College needs help with placements, please reach out to Rob Alder at ACCA via Rob.Alder@accaglobal.com


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The Economics, Business and Enterprise Association (EBEA) is the professional subject association for everyone interested in the teaching and study of Economics, Business and Enterprise.

It is free to become a registered member and this gives you access to an archive of journals and articles which are older than one year. Paid membership (which is tax deductible) provides you with a monthly newsletter and a termly printed journal.


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