BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise: assessment support | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise: assessment support

11 September 2024

This page will try and help you understand the assessment of our Level 1/2 BTEC Tech Award in Enterprise

Read more

There is also a sister page to support you in the delivery of this qualification.

Preparation for assessment

Sample assessment material is provided so that teachers and learners can become familiar with the design of the assessments that form part of this qualification.

Pearson has supplied Exemplar Standardisation Materials for each internally assessed component, and these are to be used to standardise the assessment team before assessment takes place. This activity must include the whole assessment team.

Exemplar Standardisation Materials based on work produced for PSAs is now availale for both components..

Please use the zip files dated 2023 and 2024.

Internal standardisation can be completed at intervals, or at any point before the marking period. Assessors should work through the materials as if marking the assessment, before looking at the information provided about the marks awarded and the rationale for this.

Centres will not be asked to submit this evidence of assessor standardisation but may find the evidence useful should any marking activities result in dispute. Assessment team standardisation ensures marks are consistently awarded and reduces the marking burden across your centre. Where there is disagreement with marks, assessors should review marks across the whole cohort and may wish to refer to the standardisation materials to refresh their understanding of the standards to be applied.

The 2023 - 2024 Administrative Support Guide (ASG) is available on the qualification page.

Internally assessed components

Components 1 and 2 are internally assessed and externally moderated.

Running a PSA

All Pearson Set Assignments are released digitally on the Pearson website as padlocked secure content. An Edexcel Online password is required to access and download the Pearson Set Assignments when they are released.

There will be two releases each year for each internally assessed component of the Tech Award in Enterprise.

These are:

  • September release for December/January moderation series
  • January release for May/June moderation series

Centres are required to enter learners for each assessment. They must be entered by the deadline for the series in which the learner wishes to sit them, and late fees will apply for late entries. Entry for the internally assessed components will ensure that we have supplied you with all relevant information and allow a moderator to be allocated to receive your learner work.

The Pearson Set Assignment may only be used within the assessment series that the learner is entered for and cannot be held for use in a later window.

Once the Pearson Set Assignments have been released, they can be given to learners at any time. Teachers can then begin the supervised assessment as detailed in this guide.

Preparation time is provided to allow learners to produce preparatory materials for use during formally supervised sessions. This can include research notes, preparation of graphs and tables, and references to research

Monitored preparation consists of two elements:

  • independent preparatory research on the selected enterprise and entrepreneur(s), the market research they undertake, and the external factors, opportunities and threats faced by the enterprise. This can include but is not limited to the internet for secondary research and access to appropriate entrepreneurs for primary research
  • up to six hours of monitored note preparation with access to the internet. Learners may use a computer and the internet during this time

Preparation can take place both within and outside of the classroom environment but must be monitored to ensure independent working and authenticity of any permitted materials produced. Any preparatory materials produced must be checked and authenticated as the learner’s own work. This may be done through engaging in a meaningful dialogue with learners about the work, how it was produced and how they intend to use it towards the assessment. All learner notes must be checked prior to the formal supervision

Preparatory materials cannot include finished written or practical evidence for assessment prepared in advance of formally supervised sessions. Learners’ notes can include facts and figures, graphs and charts

Learners’ notes must not include:

  • any attempt to interpret, analyse or evaluate the research findings
  • any attempt to pre-prepare situational analyses or responses to tasks
  • paragraphs or extended sentences

Centres must make arrangements to:

  • collect learners’ notes at the end of the monitored preparation period
  • check that the notes conform to the guidelines on allowable content
  • make the notes available to learners at the start of the formal supervision

If notes are electronic, centres must upload the notes to each learner’s machine/restricted secure area prior to the start of the formal supervision session.

Learners must not be given writing frames, prepared formats, templates or any other forms of scaffolding.

The estimated hours stated for completion of each task in this set assignment refer to formally supervised hours.

The formal supervision takes place in a session/s timetabled by the centre.

Designated assessment areas must only be accessible to the learner and to named members of staff.

Learners can only have access to their work under supervision.

Work must be held securely in between supervised sessions and must not be taken in or out of sessions.

During formally supervised sessions, learners must work independently, cannot work with or discuss their work with other learners.

Learners can access the internet for sourcing audio/visual content to use in their responses, which must be appropriately referenced. Inclusion of audio/video content in responses and use of the internet to source this content is optional and will not affect access to the full range of available marks. This must be monitored by the teacher

Learners will be able to access the materials specified in the assessment

During the formal supervision, learners are allowed to:

  • have access to six sides of A4 of prepared notes (for the entire Pearson-set Assignment) to allow them to complete the tasks. These may be handwritten or typed. If Word processed, the font size must be 10 point minimum.
  • access the internet for sourcing audio/visual content, but must not have access to email, or any other resources aside from their permitted notes.

Learners are not permitted to remove their notes from the teacher’s possession during the formal supervision.

Component 1

Tasks 1, 2 and 3, learners are able to bring in notes which will include research to complete the tasks. Any research undertaken, or notes made, does not form part of the supervised conditions period.

Component 2

For Task 1, learners are able to bring in notes which will include research to complete the tasks. Any research undertaken, or notes made, does not form part of the supervised conditions period.

For Task 2, learners are able to bring in notes in order to complete the task
• The delivery of the presentation can be recorded outside of the supervised conditions period. It can be recorded by the learner and does not need to be before a live audience
• The business plan will not have been assessed before the learner’s presentation. Their review does therefore not need to include any inaccuracies identified in their business plan. Any errors contained within their business plan which are then presented and reviewed should not be penalised

When providing structure to support learners in producing appropriate research and support notes during the supervised period, teachers must follow the guidelines for feedback, avoid over-direction and be able to ensure the authenticity of independent learner work produced for the Pearson Set Assignment

Mock assessments, including templates used as part of mocks, are encouraged as part of the teaching and learning process. However, the material or completed work for mock assessments are not considered course notes so should not be used during assessment

Once an assessment has begun, learners must not be given feedback that relates specifically to their evidence and how it can be improved, as learners must work independently

You must ensure that learner evidence is authentic by supervising them during the assessment period according to the requirements of each internally assessed component.

You must take care not to provide direct input, instructions or specific feedback that may compromise authenticity.

For internally assessed components, after marking the initial assessment, the centre may make the decision to allow learners who may not have achieved their expected potential the opportunity to resubmit their evidence.

Please refer to the Centre Guide to Quality Assurance – BTEC Tech Awards for further guidance on resubmission

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Learners can retake internally assessed components once, should they need or want to during their course. It is always in the best interests of the learner to be entered for assessment when teachers judge that they are ready to be assessed.

If learners are retaking internally assessed components, they must respond to the new PSA released for that series. Learners are permitted to adapt work from their initial sitting where it is appropriate. They can use the full allocated time, including monitored preparation where applicable, and if they choose to adapt work from their initial sitting, they will need to repurpose, build upon and/or amend their work to meet the new PSA. Learners should never be overly guided on how to improve their work, and if assistance is provided, this should be documented and considered during assessment.

For further information, centres should follow the JCQ Guidance, with particular attention paid to sections 2 and 17.

The new Tech Awards (first teach Sept 2022) require a different approach to quality assurance. This includes new moderation processes for internal assessments, and a streamlined approach to BTEC Quality Assurance principles which will greatly reduce administration.

Check out the Quality Assurance quick guide, and our full Centre Guide to Quality Assurance for all the details.

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We also have a range of bitesize videos available in the BTEC Tech Awards 2022 section on our Quality Assurance webpage covering:

  • Introduction to Quality Assurance
  • Completing the Assessment Record
  • Guide to applying Mark Schemes
  • Moderation Process

Go to the Quality Assurance page

We have also created a new Tech Award Assessment Record template that can be found via our 'BTEC assessment and IV templates' link below.

Go to the BTEC Assessment and IV templates page

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Assessing a PSA

Teachers will mark learner responses using the published mark scheme for the component which can be found in the specification and on the Pearson website.

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The marks for each task/Learning Outcome must be recorded for each learner, and the assessment record must be signed by the teacher and learner declaring the authenticity of the work.  The BTEC Tech Award Assessment Record template can be used for this.

The Quality Assurance page includes the updated Assessment Record as well as videos on:

  • Completing the Assessment Record
  • Applying the mark schemes
  • The moderation process

Where there is more than one teacher/class it is important that internal moderation takes place to ensure that the centre's rank order is agreed by all the assessors and is internally consistent.

The BTEC Tech Award Assessment Tracker can be used to log the final assessment decisions for each learner.  

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By the mark submission deadline for the relevant assessment series, centres must submit:

  • all raw marks for each learner entered for assessment via Edexcel Online
  • the learner evidence identified for the moderation sample into the Learner Work Transfer system via Edexcel Online
  • signed authentication and assessment records for the learners

Centres may choose to submit their marks and samples of learner work earlier than these deadlines if they wish to.

Following the submission of marks for moderation, there is no further opportunity for learners to improve their evidence based on the same completed Pearson Set Assignment.

All learner work required for digital submission for both general and vocational qualifications will be uploaded via the Learner Work Transfer platform (accessed via Edexcel Online). This will include samples for non examined assessment moderation, BTEC moderated components and standards verification, plus BTEC external assessments.

For further information on submitting learner work digitally, please see our range of support articles.

Pearson will pre-select a random sample of learners (indicated by a tick mark in Edexcel Online) whose work is to be submitted to the moderator. These learners will be indicated on Edexcel Online in advance of the mark submission deadline.   

The number of learners sampled is based on the size of the cohort as follows:

Cohort size Sample
1-10 All
11-100 10
101-200 15
>200 20

If the pre-selected sample does not include the highest marked and the lowest marked learners in the cohort, the centre must also include the work of those learners.

In cases where the moderator determines that the randomly selected sample does not represent a range of marks across the cohort, they may contact you to request further samples be added.  

Both internal components will be sampled where entries have been made. This will be conducted by the same moderator.

Feedback will be provided to the Programme Lead and where necessary centres can review their marks and submit amendments on Edexcel Online. You are not required to make mark adjustments based on moderator feedback. This is a service available to centres which allows them to apply feedback by reviewing the marks immediately. If you choose not to amend marks, the Pearson system will apply necessary adjustments.

The sample reviewed by the moderator is representative of the full cohort for the component, so their feedback will not address individual marks or learners. Any recommended amendments that you choose to make should be applied to all marks affected by the feedback, not just those of learners in the representative sample.

Availability for centres to amend marks on Edexcel Online will close on the published deadline for each series in the Key Dates Schedule in this document. After this date, no further amendments can be made.

Following moderation, feedback and any amendments to marks the centre wishes to make, the moderator will review the final centre marks against their moderator marks and finalise their written Moderator Report which will be published on Edexcel Online on Results day for the series.

If the final centre marks are reasonably accurate, they will be awarded.

If centre marks are still not within a reasonable degree of deviation from national standards, an adjustment will be applied by the Pearson system.

Where mark adjustments are made, the pattern of differences between your centre's marks and the moderator's will be taken into account, so that your centre's marks are in line with the standard being applied nationally.

Unless your centre has been demonstrably inconsistent, mark adjustments will maintain the centre’s rank order.

Following results, if a learner would like to retake the internal assessment to improve their mark, they may be given one retake opportunity using the new Pearson Set Assignment in a later assessment series.

For internally assessed components, the highest result will be carried forward towards the qualification outcome.

We’ve recently updated our BTEC Tech Awards (2022) FAQs to include more information about learners that are absent from one or more components, and don’t have grounds for special consideration.

Where a student has been entered for all required components of the qualification with the intention of certificating, and is then absent from one or more components, a partial absence qualification grade will be awarded based on the components the student has completed. This will be indicated on the student's certificate with a # symbol. For a partial absence grade to be awarded, the student must have achieved sufficient UMS points and a cash-in must be entered.

The externally assessed component - Component 3

The externally-assessed component in the BTEC Tech Award suite comprises 40 per cent of the total qualification GLH. The external assessment is weighted to contribute the same proportion of the overall qualification grade.

The terminal assessment rule requires learners to take the external assessment at the end of their qualification (when the learner is due to certificate). This means that learners must sit internal component assessments either prior to or in the same series as the external assessment to fulfil this terminal rule.

If a learner chooses to retake an internal assessment in a series after they sat the terminal external assessment, they will also need to resit the external component to satisfy the terminal rule.

Learners are allowed one resit of the external assessment within the programme.

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Component 3 examiners' reports

Examiners' reports are published after every exam series and include useful guidance for teachers.  This guidance has been summarised below.

A calculator is a requirement for this exam.

Financial statements (section B4 of the specification: learners should be able to complete and interpret both profit and loss accounts AND balance sheets.

An example of a question on completing a balance sheet can be found in the ADSAM Q3(a).

An example of a question on completing a profit and loss account can be found in the January 2024 exam paper,  Q4(a).

In section B5 of the specification it says that learners have to calculate profitability and liquidity ratios from given formulae. An example of this can be seen in the June 2024 exam paper where the profitability ratios are provided.

These are the only formulae that can be given in the paper.

Break-even (section C4 of the specification): learners must be able to recall and use the break-formula as they can be asked to calculate the break-even point and margin of safety as well as construct and interpret a break-even chart.

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A ruler is a requirement for this exam.

The instruction 'draw and label' does require the axes and each line to be labelled.

ECF marks can be awarded where candidates draw and label the fixed costs line correctly, incorrectly plot the total revenue and total costs lines, but label the break-even point where the total revenue and total cost lines cross. These are awarded one mark for fixed costs and one ECF mark for the break-even point.

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Learners must be able to complete and interpret all of the financial documents listed under topic B1 of component 3.

To help learners and centres, templates for the documents used in the exam can be found on the qualification page.

ECF or Error Carried Forward is used when the first calculation in a sequence is incorrect so that the candidate can be rewarded for subsequent correct calculations even though they have used the wrong numbers.

Learners must also be reminded that pence always require two figures, whether that be e.g. .00 or .90. Some learners put numerous digits in the pence column which is not awardable, and some put one figure only. This would not be acceptable in a professional business accounting document. All figures must show pounds followed by two figures for pence. Learners should round up if the figure is 5 or above, or down if less than 5.

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The 'identify' command is used where candidates have to select an answer from a given piece of data.

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Full sentences are not required for the answer.

Candidates should not write out the question at the start of their answer.

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Explain one reason why - one mark for identifying a reason why and one mark for a linked justification of that reason.

Explain one advantage for an enterprise - one mark for identifying an advantage for an enterprise and one mark for a linked justification of that advantage.

Please note than an answer which provides an advantage to the customer is not answering the question.

Explain one impact on an enterprise - one mark for identifying an impact on an enterprise and one mark for a linked justification of that impact.

If the question asks for an impact on an enterprise, an answer which details an action an enterprise could take is not answering the question.

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If the question asks for two reasons/advantages etc you should treat this 4-mark question as two 2-mark questions.

The ‘discuss’ question is marked using a levels-based mark scheme (LBMS), using levels 1-3. This mark scheme is not a model answer but gives indicative learner responses for this EOR question. Each of the three LBMS descriptors show the requirements at the top of the level. Responses can display characteristics from more than one level, and markers must use their professional judgement to decide which level is most appropriate - a 'best fit' approach.


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The command word ‘Discuss’ does not require the learner to come to any conclusion.

This question always asks the learner to discuss e.g. the factors, impact on, importance, significance, implications or suitability of a given option.

Learners must consider both positive and negative aspects of this option (the advantages and disadvantages/pros and cons/positive and negative factors).

Learners that give positives but no negatives or ‘however’ statements have only created a ‘limited discussion’ which restricts their marks to level 1.

Each of the levels shows a requirement for the answer to be in context of the question set. There does not have to be a set number of examples to say it is in context - all level descriptors require context as shown:

• L1: Few of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question
• L2: Some of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question, but the link will not always be clear
• L3: Most of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question, and there will be clear links

Mentioning the name of the enterprise in what are otherwise generic answers that could be about any enterprise does not constitute context. Although such answers may show some knowledge and understanding they lack the required links to the context and are restricted level 1.

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The January 2024 examiner's report includes an example of an answer which achieved full marks.

The final question on the paper is always a synoptic ‘evaluate’ question which asks the learner to consider two options and requires a supported conclusion. It is marked using a levels-based mark scheme (LBMS), using levels 1-3. The mark scheme gives indicative learner responses for this extended open response (EOR) question. This is not a model answer.

Each of the levels shows a requirement for the answer to be in context of the question set. There does not have to be a set number of examples to say it is in context - all level descriptors require context as shown:

• L1: Few of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question
• L2: Some of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question, but the link will not always be clear
• L3: Most of the points made will be relevant to the context in the question, and there will be clear links

Each of the three LBMS descriptors show the requirements at the top of the level. Responses can display characteristics from more than one level, and markers use their professional judgement to decide which level is most appropriate - a 'best fit' approach.


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Learners who perform less well often do so for a number of reasons.

• Some learners provide purely generic answers that are not applied to the scenario.

• Although asked to evaluate which is the better of the two options some only consider one of the two options. Best fit puts this type of response into Level 1 as at Level 2 learners must ‘consider some competing points leading to a conclusion'.

• Many learners end with a simple statement but no justification. Any conclusion needs to be justified as unsupported conclusions cannot be credited. ‘I think it would be a good idea for the business to....’ is not a supported conclusion.

More able learners are able to access level 3. They consider both options in context and conclude based on their points with answers that have well justified conclusions, showing some depth of understanding as to why one option is better than the other. 

Please tell candidates that a conclusion to an ‘evaluate’ question should not repeat the points in full that have been made throughout the answer, rather, these points should be used to support the conclusion.

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The January 2024 examiner's report includes an example of an answer which achieved full marks.

Please stress to learners that they should use for example ‘an increase in revenue’ rather than ‘more money’.

Vague responses such as ‘lose money’ should be avoided - rather, candidates might write lose revenue or have a reduction in profit.


This page has information on:

  • raw marks and UMS
  • calculators and convertors
  • retakes (PSAs) and resit (the exam)
  • grade boundaries
  • certification

For the internal components, raw mark refers to the final mark awarded for an assessment after any adjustment is made in the moderation process or in relation to a special-considerations application.

Raw mark for the external component is the mark awarded by the examiner or in relation to a special-considerations application. 

A grade boundary is the minimum mark at which a grade can be achieved. For example, if the grade boundary for a Level 2 Distinction (D2) is 47, then 47 is the minimum mark at which a Level 2 Distinction (D2) can be achieved. A mark of 46 would therefore be a Level 2 Merit (M2).

Raw marks are converted to UMS (the Uniform Mark Scale). This is because raw mark grade boundaries may change from series to series to take into account variations in the difficulty of the assessments. 

Component 1 - BEN 01   Max Mark L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P U
  UMS  90 72 63 54 45 36 27 0
January 2023  Raw 60 47 38 30 24 18 13 0
June 2023 Raw 60 47 39 32 26 20 14 0
January 2024 Raw 60 47 39 32 26 20 14 0
June 2024 Raw 60 47 39 32 26 20 14 0
Component Grade BEN02   Max. L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P U
  UMS 90 72 63 54 45 36 27 0
January 2023  Raw 60 47 38 29 24 19 14 0
June 2023  Raw 60 48 40 33 27 21 15 0
January 2024 Raw 60 48 40 33 27 21 15 0
June 2024 Raw 60 47 39 32 26 20 14 0
Component Grade BEN02   Max. L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P U
  UMS 120 96 84 72 60 48 36 0
January 2024 Raw 60 43 34 26 21 16 12 0
June 2024 Raw 60 37 28 19 15 12 9 0

The points for each component are added together for the overall qualification grade.

This makes the qualification fully compensatory, meaning learners can achieve a final grade through any combination of points from any component. There is no longer a Level 1 Pass requirement in any component a grade.

The Level 2 Distinction* grade at qualification level will be awarded only if a learner has achieved a Level 2 Distinction in each component and the minimum number of uniform marks for the Level 2 Distinction* at qualification level.

Qualification Grade L2D* L2D L2M L2P L1D L1M L1P
Maximum UMS = 300

The grade statistics for BTEC qualifications are published in late October/early November on the grade statistics page of the website.

These statistics can be used for benchmarking purposes. Please note that in line with all qualifications, learner achievement is reported at qualification level and not at unit level.


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