January update - PE and Sport | Pearson qualifications

January update - PE and Sport

Wed Jan 08 08:11:00 UTC 2025

Happy new year and welcome to the January 2025 update.

In this update I will provide more information on

• GCSE and GCE PE courses to prepare for the Summer series (both moderation and exam)
• A new exemplar library for Component 3 and 4 for GCSE PE (A level to follow shortly)

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Are you prepared for the summer series?

Whether you are new to GCSE/GCE PE or an experienced teacher and just want to be kept up to date, why not register for the online training courses which will ensure you are prepared for the moderation series and the summer exam series. In each session there will be an opportunity to speak to the trainer and ask any questions.

Title Date Time Register
A level PE - Preparing for moderation  20 Jan 16.00 - 18.00 Register
A level PE - Preparing for the summer exam series 4 March 16.00  -18.00 Register
GCSE PE - Preparing for moderation 29 Jan 16.00 - 18.00 Register
GCSE PE - Preparing for the summer exam series 27 Feb 16.00 - 18.00 Register

GCSE PE exemplar library for Component 3 and Component 4

I am absolutely delighted to share with you a new exemplar library for GCSE PE  (A level to follow shortly).  You can see exemplar material and commentary for both Component 3: Practical Performance and Component 4: PEP.  There are several pieces of work from a variety of sports at every level.

Component 3: Practical  -there is exemplar material at all different levels for team sports, racket sports

Component 4: PEP – there is exemplar material at each of the 5 levels (which includes Level 0).

The senior team have worked extremely hard to produce material so you can clearly see the expected standards.

There will be additional material added throughout the academic year.

Once you click on the following link, you should see ‘Exemplar Library’ in the tab along the top of the page

Edexcel GCSE Physical Education (2016) Pearson qualifications

Please note: soon all exemplars for Component 3 and Component 4 will only be available under ‘Exemplar Library’ and will be removed from their current location.


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