April BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media Update | Pearson qualifications

BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media April update

Fri Apr 12 13:57:00 UTC 2024

Welcome to the April update from your Subject Advisor.  

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Design tools pictogram

I hope you have all had the opportunity to enjoy a restful, well-deserved break and start the term refreshed and renewed.  As we enter the last few months of the school year, I know how important this time is with your students and we are here to support you with all aspects of your planning, delivery and assessment.

With the June assessment series fast approaching, there are a range of resources available to support you and your learners with preparation for the upcoming assessments, and I have highlighted these materials in my updates below. Also, I would like to wish you and your students all the best as we enter the last few months of the school year and I am here to support as you work to encourage your students to reach their potential.

For updates on the qualification(s) you deliver, please see the relevant sections below.


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 Vocational Updates

Learner Work Transfer

A reminder that all learner work required for digital submission for both general and vocational qualifications will be uploaded to the Learner Work Transfer platform accessed via Edexcel Online. This will include samples for non-examined assessment moderation, BTEC moderated components, BTEC standards verification, and BTEC external assessments.

For further information on submitting learner work digitally, please see our range of support articles:

    Learner Work Transfer overview and support index     

    Support for BTEC external assessment submissions     

    Support for Standards Verification sample submissions    



 BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award Updates

Check out my new BTEC Bitesize series for BTEC Tech Awards (2022) in Art and Design Practice and Creative Media Production designed to support your planning and delivery. You can also find further support and guidance under the drop-down menus below.

BTEC Bitesize - Tech Award (2022) Art and Design Practice playlist
BTEC Bitesize - Tech Award (2022) Creative Media Production playlist

You may find my video on using the Assessment Tracker tool especially helpful as you prepare your internal assessment paperwork for moderation.

BTEC Bitesize - Assessment Tracker Tool - Art and Design Practice
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BTEC Bitesize - Assessment Tracker Tool - Creative Media Production
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By viewing this third-party content from www.youtube.com you agree to their terms and conditions, privacy notice and acknowledge they may use cookies and pixels for information and analytics gathering.



 BTEC Level 3 National Updates



 International BTEC Updates



 BTEC Higher National Updates



 T Level Updates



 BTEC Level 1 Introductory Updates


 Helpful Resources and Inspiration

Importance of the Arts in Education

The importance of the arts in education and the value they bring to young people is at the heart of what we do. Designing courses that give students an authentic creative experience is a priority and it is vital that we continue to raise the profile of our subjects in education and beyond. As such, below is a range of external resources invaluable to your wider curriculum development.


National Portrait Gallery Schools Hub

Free online resources for Art & Design and History through the world’s largest collection of portraits. It includes more than 150 specially produced learning resources and videos, all linked to the National Curriculum, and developed by teachers, artists, historians and education experts.

Check out the Schools Hub resources


The Time is Always Now: Artists Reframe the Black Figure

This National Portrait Gallery exhibition on until 19 May showcases the work of contemporary artists from the African diaspora. As well as surveying the presence of the Black figure in Western art history, this exhibition examines its absence  – and the story of representation told through these works, as well as the social, psychological and cultural contexts in which they were produced.

Find out more about the exhibition


Teaching Film Series

Into Film, the UK's leading charity for film in education, have launched their Teaching Film series, a collection of bitesize courses focused on short film production. The course has been designed specifically for educators delivering film qualifications to young people aged 14-19.

Visit the Into Film website to enrol


The Superpower of Looking

Free teaching resources from Art UK that seeks to transform the visual literacy skills of children, taking the world of art and images as its starting point.

Check out The Superpower of Looking resources


Wicked Active Learning

A cultural and social education programme for London’s stage musical Wicked, with free cross-curricular resources to download and support art and design teaching and learning.

Download free Art and Design resources for Wicked


NSEAD The Big Landscape

A new resource that maps the breadth and scope of art, craft and design education, drawing together important research, essential definitions and examples of good practice to support teaching and learning in your centre.

Find out more about The Big Landscape


Anti-Racist Art Education Resources

The NSEAD Anti-Racist Art Education (ARAE) resources help teachers to open up conversations and support a questioning of current art educator resources, publications and curriculums. 

Check out the NSEAD ARAE Resources 


Winsor & Newton Articles

A range of interesting articles from Winsor & Newton that touch on the origins of colour as well as many other topics. These could be inspirational for teaching and learning in your classroom.

Read these free articles for inspiration 


Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and the team using the contact details below. 


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