Support topics
- Access to Scripts
Assessment services
Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
Degree Finder
Edexcel Online
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
Pearson Progress
Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
- Support topics
- Overview
- Access to Scripts
- Assessment services
- Assignment checking service
- Certificate services
- Communities
- Degree Finder
- Edexcel Online
- examWizard
- Mocks Service
- myBTEC
- Pearson Onscreen Platform
- Progress to university
- ResultsPlus
- ResultsPlus Direct
- Remote Invigilation
- Pearson Progress
- Rogo
- Key dates
- Resources
- Overview
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- > Support
- > Support topics
- > Delivering BTEC qualifications
- > Events
Delivering BTEC qualifications
To help support your delivery of BTEC qualifications, we have a wide range of free events available at different times throughout the year.
Our training events cover a wide range of topics from getting started with BTEC and support for key roles in your BTEC team to training events for specific BTEC qualifications and more.
Events are regularly added to our training calendar so please check back regularly for the latest information. Please use the links below to browse our events:
Explore our free Quality Assurance training events
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