Vocational​ ​Qualification​ ​Acronyms | Pearson qualifications
Delivering BTEC qualifications


Find​ ​the​ ​most​ ​common​ ​BTEC​ ​vocational qualification​ ​acronyms​ ​and​ ​terms​ ​that​ ​are​ ​used​ ​when delivering​ ​BTEC​ ​qualifications.​ ​

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AAB’s - Approved Assignment Briefs 
ACS - Assignment Checking Service 
AI – Artificial Intelligence 
AMR - Academic Management Review - Annual Centre visit for UK Alternative Providers 
APMR - Annual Programme Monitoring Report (Higher Nationals) 
AQD – Annual Quality Declaration 
CASR- Centre Assessment Standards Reviewer 
CCE - Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment 
CDM - Curriculum Development Manager 
CPD - Continued Professional Development 
CQM - Centre Quality Manager 
EE - External Examiner (Higher Nationals) 
EOL - Edexcel Online 
FE - Further Education 
FHEQ - Framework for Higher Education Qualifications 
GLH - Guided Learning Hours 
IV - Internal Verifier 
LIV - Lead Internal Verifier 
NQF - National Qualification Framework 
OFQUAL - Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation 
OIA - Office of the Independent Adjudicator (Higher Nationals) 
QAA - The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (Higher Nationals) 
QCF - Qualification Credit Framework 
QN - Quality Nominee 
RQF - Regulated Qualification Framework 
SRF - Self Regulated Framework 
SSV - Senior Standards Verifier 
SV - Standards Verifier 
TQT - Total Qualification Time 

Academic Management Review (AMR): This is the annual centre quality visit for UK Alternative Providers.

Annual Programme Monitoring Report (APMR):  The Annual Programme Monitoring Report is a written annual review form that provides an opportunity for providers to analyse and reflect on the most recent teaching year. This is incorporated within the Annual Quality Declaration.

Annual Quality Declaration (AQD): The AQD must be submitted annually by all vocational centres via an online form. It confirms that all policies and procedures required for the delivery of BTEC/NVQ and competency based/Functional Skills/T Level qualifications are in place, effective and have been contextualised. The Declaration also serves as the acceptance of Pearson's Terms and Conditions of Centre Recognition and Qualification Approval for delivering these qualifications. 

Assessment: the definitive assessment of the learner’s achievement and must be to national standards. This assessment contributes to achievement and informs a unit grade (where applicable) 

Assessor: the person responsible for making decisions about whether learners’ work achieves the national standard required for certification 

Centre Assessment Standards Reviewer (CASR): This is the reviewer who conducts the BTEC Holistic Review where centre level quality assurance practice is reviewed, and support provided.

External Examiner (EE): External Examiners are similar to SV’s but for HN qualifications and usually undertake a visit to the centre

Framework for Higher Education Qualifications (FHEQ): This is the Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) Framework for Higher Education Qualifications. 

Guided Learning Hours (GLH): Guided learning hours are a notional measure of the substance of a unit. It includes an estimate of time that might be allocated to direct teaching, instruction and assessment, together with other structured learning time such as directed assignments or supported individual study. 

HN Global: Global is an online resource that supports provider planning and delivery of Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals by providing appropriate teaching and learning resources. 

Holistic Review: Part of the BTEC Quality Assurance Model. A quality assurance activity for selected centres providing an additional layer of support to reassure centres that they have effective processes, policies and procedures in place for successful quality assurance leading to safe outcomes for learners.

Internal Verification (IV): This is a centre/team based process. The Internal Verifiers check the quality of assignments before delivery to students and verify the accuracy of assessment decisions to meet national standards. An appointed Lead Internal Verifier manages the process. 

Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ): The JCQ provides a single voice for its members on issues of examination administration and, when appropriate, qualification and wider education policy.

Learning aims/outcomes: what the learner should know, understand or be able to do as a result of completing the unit.

Office of Independent Adjudicator (OIA): The Office of Independent Adjudicator is an independent body that operates a higher education complaints scheme in England and Wales. 

Quality Nominee (QN): This is the person nominated by the centre who acts as main contact for Pearson vocational qualifications. 

Resubmission: If requested, and at their discretion, the Lead Internal Verifier may authorise one resubmission of improved evidence by a learner, following assessment. Resubmissions must not provide a learner with an unfair advantage over others.

Retake: If the learner has still not achieved the targeted pass criteria following the resubmission of an assignment, the Lead Internal Verifier may authorise one retake opportunity. This involves issuing a new assignment targeting just the missing pass criteria.

Standardisation: A method of comparison that enables centre assessors to review the consistency and accuracy of their assessment decisions with those of other assessors.

Total Qualification Time (TQT): The requirement for Awarding Bodies to describe the size of their qualifications by using Total Qualification Time as a descriptor. This provides an indication of how long a typical learner will take to study for a qualification.

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