August Art, Design and Media Update | Pearson qualifications

Art, Design and Media August update

Fri Aug 09 13:57:00 UTC 2024

Welcome to the August Results Day update from your Subject Advisor.  

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I hope this update finds you well and enjoying a well-deserved, restful break. As we approach the much-anticipated Results Days in August, I wanted to provide you with some important updates and reminders to ensure the day runs smoothly for everyone involved. 

At Pearson, our top priority is to provide all centres with the support they need. This August update highlights the key processes in place to help everyone access results and services with ease and confidence.

If you have any questions or need additional support, please feel free to reach out using the contact details provided at the bottom of this page. We are here to help!

For support planning your curriculum and delivery, please refer to my July update, which has a range of resources and teaching materials you can use in preparation for the 2024-2025 school year.

Read the July update for 2024-2025 planning resources and materials



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 Results Dates


Date released to centre

Date released to student

BTEC Nationals 7 August 2024 15 August 2024

A Level

14 August 2024

15 August 2024

BTEC Firsts, Tech Awards (2022) 16 August 2024 22 August 2024

GCSE, International GCSE

21 August 2024

22 August 2024


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Give Us Your Feedback

As the 2024 assessment series finishes, we would like you to share your feedback on this year's papers.  We wish to provide students with the best possible experience, and your insights are crucial in helping us achieve this goal.

If you are a teacher whose students have taken any of our externally set assignments or exams in the May/June 2024 series, we  are eager to hear your thoughts.

Your feedback will play a vital role in shaping the future of our qualifications and assessments. Your input will be shared with our senior examiners and across our subject teams to help us continuously improve future assessments.

Please take a few minutes to complete this survey



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 Accessing Results


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As teachers and Heads of departments, you may not have had to access our secure systems for some time, with the next time you need to do this being learner results days on 15 and 22 August. We would like to take this opportunity to remind all users of systems such as Edexcel Online and ResultsPlus, that there is now a requirement to authenticate via an app on a smart device in order to access these systems. 

If you have't accessed these platforms for some time, we would urge you to do so in advance so we can work with you to resolve any issues and avoid any delays in access on results days.

You can get additional support for registering a device and general troubleshooting in our Pearson Portal Authenticator support article.

Taking these steps now will ensure you all have a successful results day.

You can access the following results and reports on Edexcel Online.

Report name Used for: Contains:
Broadsheet Checking student performance at a glance.  All unit level scores and overall subject grades 
Component Mark List Checking student performance against grade boundaries (also useful for teachers and
heads of departments).
Listed by component, shows: subject marks,
UMS, maximum raw and weighted marks. 
Units Results
Checking how raw unit marks contributed to each UMS (also useful for teachers and heads of departments).   Grades, component unit scores, total UMS
and grade boundaries. 
CSPRs Providing results information to students. It details overall grades and contributing units.  Shows grades for all subjects and scores for
each unit.  

ResultsPlus is our online results analysis tool for teachers. Included as part of your qualification fees, ResultsPlus gives you a detailed breakdown of your students’ performance in Pearson exams and external assessments.

Past question papers and mark schemes are offered free of charge on our website with ‘restricted access’ to teachers at Pearson centres for 12 months after an exams series and then ‘open access’ to all users thereafter.

Teachers and exams officers at Pearson centres require an Edexcel Online login to access assessment materials during the 12-month restricted access period. Access to Edexcel Online is managed by exams officers in each centre.

Question papers and mark schemes are released with restricted access as follows for the summer series:

  • Question Paper: 7-8 weeks before results day
  • Mark Scheme: 4-5 weeks before results day

Past question papers, mark schemes and examiner reports are normally kept under restricted access to teachers with Edexcel Online access for 12 months. This is to allow centres to use these materials as unfamiliar mock assessments or practice resources with their students. 

You can access summer 2024 grade boundaries on our website from results day. 

In addition to the official grade boundaries that are produced at subject level, we will also be providing notional grade boundaries at component level. These can help you mark and assess future mocks.

We have published guidance to support you with the Tech Awards (2022) results. 

The new Tech Awards Assessment and Results gude gives an overview of assessment and results, highlighting key differences to legacy qualifications.

The dedicated Tech Awards Understanding Results page includes a grade calculators, mark converters, and other useful links that will help for results day.  


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Moderator and Examiner Reports

Your moderator writes a report to explain where it was necessary to adjust your centre’s marks. Where possible, your moderator advises you on how you could make improvements for future series.

You can find these on Edexcel Online. Please speak to your examinations officer if you don't have access to Edexcel Online.

These reports are for components that are internally assessed and externally moderated.

The 'Coursework moderation and mark adjustments' guide explains how we calculate final coursework marks.

The Principal Moderator also compiles a report on how candidates performed in this year’s examinations. It provides general feedback and highlights good approaches that can be taken forward to future examination series.

You can find these reports on ResultsPlus as well as on the qualification course materials page. Please speak to your examinations officer if you don't have access to ResultsPlus.

These reports are for components that are internally assessed and externally moderated.

Examiner reports are made available after results days and you will be able to view Examiner Reports through our Pearson Qualifications website.

You will need to navigate to the course materials page of the required qualification. 

These reports are for qualifications and units / components that are externally assessed by Pearson.

We recently published bitesize videos explaining how you can use your GCSE and A Level Art and Design moderator report (E9) to implement recommendations based on the feedback your centre receives.

GCSE Art and Design -  Getting the most from your moderator report (E9)

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A Level Art and Design - Getting the most from your moderator report (E9)

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 Post-Results Services

Post-Results Service


Reviews of marking and moderation (Service P2) 29 August 2024

Reviews of marking and moderation (Services 1, 2 and 3) 

26 September 2024

Access to Scripts (ATSPE and ATSO)

26 September 2024

Access to Scripts (ATSC) 13 December 2024

The documents below provide full details on which services are available for each of our qualification components/units.

Pearson have published the fees for all of our post-results services (from 1 August 2024 to 31 July 2025), including details of the situations where we won't charge.

For Art and Design qualifications review of moderation (Service 3), once you have submitted your request to us through Edexcel Online, we will send you an acknowledgement letter listing the original sample of candidates.

You will need to ensure that the work of these candidates is available for moderation review. Please notify us once you've received the list of sampled candidates.

Visiting Moderation

For visiting moderation, we will make arrangements for a senior moderator to visit your centre. The centre will be liable for all associated costs, which we will calculate pro rata on the basis of the number of candidates who meet the criteria. The costs would include the senior moderator’s fees, travelling expenses, subsistence costs and, if necessary, accommodation costs and teacher-release payments. However, you won't need to pay the standard Service 3 fees in addition to this.

If the requested sample is not available to the senior moderator, he or she will withdraw, and we will uphold the original moderation decision. The centre will remain liable for all associated costs.

We will let you know the outcome of your review of moderation within 35 days of the centre visit.

Visit the Art and design post-results services page for more information

Digital Moderation via Learner Work Transfer

The review will be completed digitally via Learner Work Transfer and the standard Service 3 fees will apply.

We will let you know the outcome of your review of moderation request within 35 days of the moderator receiving the work.

A check of all clerical procedures which lead to us issuing a result. This includes making sure:

  • all parts of the exam paper have been markedmarks have been recorded/added up correctly
  • special consideration has been applied (where appropriate)
  • the grade boundaries have been applied accurately

You might consider this service if the results for one candidate are unexpected compared to the rest of the cohort.

Candidates’ marks or grades can go up, down or stay the same.

The date for completion is within 10 calendar days of receiving the request.

A check that our examiners have marked externally assessed components correctly.  This includes:

  • a clerical check (Service 1)
  • a review of marking of units/components by a senior examiner

You can ask us to review the marking of exam papers for individual candidates and the results for each candidate will be reported separately. This service isn't available for internally assessed/externally moderated coursework components.

Candidates’ marks or grades can go up, down or stay the same.

The date for completion is within 20 calendar days of receiving the request

This service is the same as Service 2 review of marking but is processed faster.

Candidates’ marks or grades can go up, down or stay the same.

It is generally used when a candidate’s place in further/higher education depends on the outcome.

The date for completion is within 15 calendar days of receiving the request.

Where we've adjusted centre marks during moderation, this service checks that our moderator has made an accurate judgement on the centre’s ability to mark the work to the national standard.

This includes:

  • a review of the original moderation by a senior moderator
  • feedback with a similar level of detail to the original moderator report

This service can't be requested if we agreed centre marks during moderation.

A review of moderation (Service 3) replicates the original moderation process and therefore the same sample will need to be available for review. Any mark changes may impact all candidates completing this component at the centre in the current exam session.

Candidates’ uniform mark scores (UMS) can up, down or stay the same but grades will not be lowered for the current exam session.

This means that if a candidate’s mark is lowered their grade won’t change as a result of a review of moderation (Service 3) in this exam session. However their new mark will be used to calculate any future overall grades that require this component e.g. if a candidate resits the qualification.

The date for completion is within 35 calendar days of the moderator receiving the original sample of work. 

Pearson is the only awarding organisation to provide access to your students’ marked exam papers included as part of your qualification fees.

You can use the Access to Scripts service to help decide if you wish to request a review of marking. Please take note of the deadlines for requesting a review of marking as requests submitted after the deadlines will not be accepted.

Available for all GCSE, International GCSE, AS, A level and BTEC qualifications from results day, allowing teachers to access their candidates’ exam papers for all scripts.

  • The online portal allows you to view your candidates’ marked scripts online or download as a PDF.
  • It is a self-service portal via Edexcel Online giving you instant access to scripts.
  • You will be able to evaluate how your candidates performed on particular questions and how that is reflected in their final grade.
  • It will help you to identify skills gaps so you can tailor future teaching plans.

If scripts have been marked 'traditionally' (i.e. not online), you will need to request them, free of charge, by the published deadline, via the Post Results section of Edexcel Online as in previous exam series.

Please note that written permission must be gained from candidates before scripts can be accessed.

This service allows you to request a copy of an exam paper so you can make a decision about whether to apply for a review of marking (Service 2). It includes a copy of the marked exam paper, sent either electronically as a PDF or as a printed hard copy.

This service is not suitable for candidates with university places at risk. If the candidate requires an urgent review of marking, centres should progress straight to a priority review of marking (Service P2). You will not be able to request a Service P2 if you request this service.

This service allows you to request a copy of a marked exam paper to support teaching or learning. If the exam paper was marked electronically, it will be returned as an electronic PDF copy. All other exam papers will be returned in the post.

Once an exam paper has been returned it's not possible to request for a review of marking (Service 2/Service 2P).

This service allows you to request a copy of an exam paper once it has been reviewed as part of a Review of Marking or Moderation (ROMM) service. It includes a copy of the marked exam paper, sent either electronically as a PDF or as a printed hard copy.

This service should be requested at the same time as the Review of Marking request.

A centre that is dissatisfied with the outcome of a review of marking or moderation (RoMM), special consideration or access arrangement request, or malpractice determination may wish to appeal against the decision.

We will allow the head of centre (or designated member of the centre’s senior management team or examinations manager):

  • 30 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome to lodge an appeal against a RoMM decision
  • 14 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome to lodge an appeal against a malpractice decision
  • 14 calendar days from the receipt of the original decision to lodge an appeal against a special consideration or access arrangement decision.

All appeals must be submitted by the entering centre. We cannot accept appeals directly from candidates, their parents or other third parties acting on their behalf. The only exception to this is if private candidates are appealing directly without the support of the entering centre. Any appeals submitted directly to us by candidates (other than private candidates), parents or other third parties will be invalid and will not be accepted for processing. Candidates wishing to appeal should contact their centre.



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Releasing Learner Work for Edexcel Art and Design

JCQ guidelines require that 'live' work is kept secure until results day and review of marking and moderation (ROMM) dates have taken place, as well as any subsequent appeals if applicable.

This applies to both Component 1 and 2 of GCSE, International GCSE, and A Level Art and Design.

If work is taken out of secure conditions and a centre subsequently wishes to apply for a review of marking and moderation after results day, this could be compromised by loss of or damage to work that was in the sample. 

Once your centre has completed this process after results days and any requested reviews are finalised, you are free to release the students' work back to them. 

Access the JCQ Instructions for conducting non-examination assessments

Where work is stored in hard copy format, secure storage is defined as a securely locked cabinet or cupboard.

Where candidates are producing artefacts (e.g. Art & Design) secure storage may be defined as a classroom, studio or workshop which is locked or supervised from the end of one session to the start of the next

JCQ Instructions for Conducting Non-Examination Assessments page 9

Before the submission of work for formal assessment, centres must remind candidates to always keep their work secure and not to publicise their work such as posting it on social media. The JCQ document Information for candidates – social media must be brought to the attention of candidates.

Centres must also be aware of the need to authenticate candidates’ work as detailed in section 4.6. During the period from the submission of work for formal assessment until the deadline for requesting a review of results, copies of work may be used for other purposes, e.g. in a competition, provided that the originals are stored securely by the centre.

Where original work is used for moderation, as in Art & Design, a teacher must be present if, during this period:

  • assessed work is exhibited; 
  • a candidate takes assessed work to an interview; 
  • the work is removed from secure storage for any other reason.

JCQ Instructions for Conducting Non-Examination Assessments page 9

Internally assessed work that is not required for the moderation sample and work returned to centres after moderation must be stored securely until all possible post-results services have been exhausted. If post-results services have not been requested, internally assessed work may be returned to candidates after the deadline for requesting a review of results for the relevant series. If post-results services have been requested, internally assessed work may be returned once the review of results and any subsequent appeal has been completed.

JCQ Instructions for Conducting Non-Examination Assessments page 9

Because the artwork is considered 'live' until results day and review of moderation (if applicable) has taken place in the students' final year, it is important that the artwork is kept secure until these dates as per JCQ regulations.  

However, it is important to celebrate the students' work and you may hold an exhibition of artwork post-moderation. Many centres put up the artwork for moderation and then directly afterwards open this up to the public. 

Any centres holding such an exhibition must regard all the work as still being 'live' and ensure that the exhibition is invigilated and that work remains secure. If work is taken out of secure conditions and a centre subsequently wishes to apply for review of marking and moderation after results day, this process could be compromised by loss of or damage to work that was in the sample.  

The school must also consider how to reduce the risk of photographs of the exhibition appearing on social media accounts of visitors, as this would breach JCQ regulations.  



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BTEC Retention of Learner Work and Evidence

Original learner evidence must be kept current, safe, and secure for 12 weeks after learners have been certificated (unless specifically advised longer due to unforeseen circumstances). Please note that the 12 weeks starts once the certificates have been received by your centre.

Following learner certification, the following BTEC documentation should be retained for a minimum of three years for centre and awarding body scrutiny as required:

  • assignment briefs
  • assessment records (feedback sheets)
  • the associated internal verification documentation
  • achievement tracking at criteria and unit/component level

Find out more about retention of learner work and evidence



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Support for Students, Parents and Carers


To support your students, parents and carers, we have published guidance you can share regarding results days and qualification services.

ResultsPlus Direct

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ResultsPlus Direct is a free online service that gives students a detailed breakdown of their performance in Edexcel exams.

#examsspelledout watch the videos

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Ever wondered how the whole assessment process works? Take a look at our series of short videos that shine a light on the assessment process to help students, parents, carers and teachers understand how the exam process works. 

Watch the #examsspelledout videos


Check out our student guides to support them with Edexcel and BTEC assessment and results. 

Understanding grade boundaries 2024 - UK qualifications
Understanding grade boundaries 2024
pdf | 100.8 KB
Understanding results and grades: a guide for students, parents and carers
Edexcel assessment and results guide
pdf | 180.9 KB
BTEC assessment and results guide
pdf | 1.9 MB



Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and the team using the contact details below. 

You can also sign up to get these Art, Design & Media updates straight to your inbox every month.

Sign up for Art, Design and Media Subject Advisor updates


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