Post-results services | Pearson qualifications
Results and certification

Post-results services

If you're a centre with a concern about a student's results, you can use our post-results services. Find out more below about the services available. The information on this page should be used along with guidance from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ).

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Download JCQ's post-results service guide:

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Services available 

The information below gives a description of each service, completion deadline and list of qualifications where the services are available.

View key dates for Edexcel Functional Skills assessments


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All Exams Officers can request post-results services, but you will need to get permission from students before applying.

Requests must be made through Edexcel Online and you will receive an automatic confirmation email acknowledging the receipt of the application. We can't accept late requests, so please ensure that you retain your confirmation emails.

Post-Results Services (PRS): RoMM Services & Access to Scripts

Post-Results Services (PRS): Access To Scripts / Script Viewer Service

Post-Results Services (PRS): Access To Scripts / How To Apply For Traditionally Marked Scripts

For BTEC Firsts, onscreen, on-demand tests, read this guidance sheet (PDF)

The documents below provide full details on which services are available for each of our Edexcel and BTEC components/units.

Declining grades for BTEC

In order to resit an externally assessed unit, learners must have a valid and open BTEC registration. This means that if you've claimed their full qualification award, but want to resit the assessment, you'll need to decline their grade before you'll be able to enter them for the resit.

Find out how to decline grades and amend vocational achievement

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Our Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) services allow you to request us to run additional checks that the grades we've issued your candidates are correct.


What is it?

A check of all clerical procedures which lead to us issuing a result. This includes making sure:

  • all parts of the exam paper have been marked
  • marks have been recorded/added up correctly
  • special consideration has been applied (where appropriate)
  • the grade boundaries have been applied accurately

You might consider this service if the results for one candidate are unexpected compared to the rest of the cohort.

Candidates’ marks or grades can go up, down or stay the same.

The deadline for completion is within 10 calendar days of receiving the request and is available when the component is from one of the following qualifications:

Edexcel Level 1 and Level 2 components/units

Edexcel GCSE

Edexcel Certificate/International GCSE

Edexcel Awards in Mathematics

Edexcel Functional Skills

Edexcel Level 3 components/units

Edexcel AEA

Edexcel AS and A level

Edexcel Awards in Mathematics

Mathematics in Context (Level 3 Core Maths)

BTEC components/units

BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Firsts

BTEC Level 2 Tech Awards

BTEC Level 2 Technicals

BTEC Level 3 Nationals

To get a copy of the clerically checked exam paper, you should request an Access to Script (ATS) service at the same time as submitting the Service 1. There is a fee for this additional service.

What is it?

A check that our examiners have marked externally assessed components correctly. This includes:

  • a clerical check (Service 1)
  • a review of marking of units/components by a senior examiner

You can ask us to review the marking of exam papers for individual candidates and the results for each candidate will be reported separately. This service isn't available for internally assessed/externally moderated coursework components.

Candidates’ marks or grades can go up, down or stay the same.

The deadline for completion is within 20 calendar days of receiving the request and is available when the component is from one of the following qualifications:

Edexcel Level 1 and Level 2 components/units

Edexcel GCSE

Edexcel Certificate/International GCSE

Edexcel Awards in Mathematics

Edexcel Functional Skills

Edexcel Level 3 components/units

Edexcel AEA

Edexcel AS and A level

Edexcel Awards in Mathematics

Mathematics in Context (Level 3 Core Maths)

BTEC components/units

BTEC Level 1/Level 2 Firsts

BTEC Level 2 Tech Awards

BTEC Level 2 Technicals

BTEC Level 3 Nationals

To get a copy of the reviewed exam paper, you should request an Access to Script (ATS) service at the same time as submitting the Service P2 request. There is a fee for this additional service.

What is it?

This service is the same as Service 2 review of marking but is processed faster.

Candidates’ marks or grades can go up, down or stay the same.

It is generally used when a candidate’s place in further/higher education depends on the outcome.

The deadline for completion is within 15 calendar days of receiving the request and is available when the component is from one of the following qualifications:

Edexcel Level 1 and Level 2 components/units

Edexcel GCSE

Edexcel Certificate/International GCSE

Edexcel Level 3 components/units

Edexcel AEA

Edexcel AS and A level

Edexcel Awards in Mathematics

Mathematics in Context (Level 3 Core Maths)

BTEC components/units

BTEC Level 3 Nationals

To get a copy of the reviewed exam paper, you should request an Access to Script (ATS) service at the same time as submitting the Service P2 request. There is a fee for this additional service.

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Coursework moderation of internal components and mark adjustments

This document provides some insights into the moderation process for the centre- assessed components, explaining how sampling works, and how the final marks for each learner in the cohort are determined.

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Our approach to managing all post-results services is to ensure that every candidate has a result that accurately reflects their performance, to maintain confidence in our qualifications and outcomes. However if, as a centre, you have concerns regarding the marking for a component or subject cohort, you should submit requests for reviews of marking for all candidates you believe to be affected. This will enable us to take a holistic view of the quality of marking and allow us to take any corrective action which may be required in a timely fashion.

You must obtain written candidate consent for reviews of marking after the publication of results, as with these services, candidates’ marks and subject grades may be lowered. Candidates must be informed of this possible outcome and provide their written consent before an application is submitted.

> For further information, please refer to the Joint Council for Qualifications guidance



From summer 2020, it is an Ofqual requirement for exam boards to give the reasons for every mark change.

From Autumn 2020 reviews, you’ll be able to see the reasons for review of marking decisions through Edexcel Online once an outcome has been issued for your review of marking request.

The reasons will be available on the Post Results Enquiry Detail page of Edexcel Online. Select the relevant qualification page, select Post Results Track progress page, search for the request(s) using the search criteria and use the View link to access the Post Results Detail page where the reason for the review of marking decision will be shown.

If there has been a mark change, we’ll give the reason at component level with a comment on why the mark has changed.


Annotations from marking are available on request basis. Please complete the form below. There is a charge of £3.00 for this service. Annotations will be shared within a 5-day SLA.

Request access to marking comments

Free Access to Scripts service

Pearson are pleased to offer the free online access to scripts service for centres. The service will allow centres to download copies of exam scripts. This service is not available for T Levels.

An appeal may be submitted if the appellant* considers that either:

  • a marking or moderation (or a review of marking/moderation) error has occurred; or
  • the awarding body did not apply its procedures consistently, properly or fairly.

Centres or private candidates can submit:

  • Appeals against results
  • Appeals against malpractice decisions
  • Appeals against decisions made in respect of access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration.

In addition, some other administrative decisions, such as cases of missing scripts, may be subject to review by awarding body officers.

*The appellant is the head of centre or private candidate who submits the appeal.

Appeals and reviews of aegrotats/estimated grades

Section 7 of the JCQ Guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals processes, provides information about the review of other administrative decisions that centres and private candidates can request. Applications can be made using the webform.

Examples of the most common types of other administrative decisions which may be subject to review are:

• Decisions taken in cases of very late arrival.

• Decisions taken in cases of missing scripts.

• Decisions involving the use of aegrotats/estimated grades.

Where we have issued an aegrotat/estimated grade as a special consideration, these cases will be processed as appeals and centres and private candidates will be able to apply for a preliminary appeal and for an appeal hearing, where required. In other cases (not related to special consideration), checks of aegrotats will be processed as reviews of other administrative decisions.

The process we apply to estimate marks can be found on the JCQ website here: Estimating-marks-guidance-for-centres-06.03.19-8-1-1-Copy-1.pdf (

We will allow the head of centre (or designated member of the centre’s senior management team or examinations manager):

  • 30 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome to lodge an appeal against a RoMM decision
  • 14 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome to lodge an appeal against a malpractice decision
  • 14 calendar days from the receipt of the original decision to lodge an appeal against a special consideration or access arrangement decision.

Appeals should be submitted using the appeals webform

All appeals must be submitted by the entering centre. We cannot accept appeals directly from candidates, their parents or other third parties acting on their behalf. The only exception to this is if private candidates are appealing directly without the support of the entering centre. Any appeals submitted directly to us by candidates (other than private candidates), parents or other third parties will be invalid and will not be accepted for processing. Candidates wishing to appeal should contact their centre.We will only accept appeals directly from internal candidates in very exceptional circumstances, such as permanent centre closure.

Please take a look at our Appeals overview guide that provides a summary of the appeals process for 2024 and our Guidance on submitting an appeal that will help centres (and private candidates) to decide whether to submit an appeal

If you are looking for appeals information relating to appeals for T-levels then this can be found on the T-level section of our website.

Appeals against results should be lodged on either of the following two bases: 

  • the awarding body didn't apply its procedures consistently, properly or fairly


  • there's been a specific marking or moderation error that has not been corrected at the review stage. Details of the exact error must be provided as the appeals process is not an opportunity to have an assessment generally re-checked in its entirety. 

The appeals office may refuse to accept an appeal application where: 

  • no valid grounds are presented 

  • no specific marking or moderation error is identified  

  • no procedural grounds are cited.

Appeals relating to special consideration or malpractice decisions can be appealed following the specific appeal procedures outlined in the JCQ appeals booklet.

The following JCQ documents may be of use:  

The following Ofqual regulations and guidance may also be of use: 

In considering whether or not to appeal on the grounds of a marking or moderation error, it's important to note Ofqual’s ‘GCSE 9-1 qualification level guidance’, page 21, which states that: 

‘Following a review or an appeal, a reasonable mark should not be replaced with another such mark, simply because those carrying out the review or the appeal would have given a different mark if they were the original Assessor. We do not consider that one such mark should be replaced with another (often higher) mark, as then Learners who request a review or appeal would be unfairly advantaged over those who do not. A review or appeal should not be an opportunity for a Learner to have a second go at getting a better mark. Such a review or appeal should only interfere with a mark where there has been a Marking Error.’ 

Ofqual has defined a marking error as: 

‘The awarding of a mark or the arrival at an outcome of Moderation which could not reasonably have been given or arrived at given the evidence generated by the Learner(s) (and for Moderation, the centre’s marking of that evidence), the criteria against which Learners’ performance is differentiated and any procedures of the awarding organisation in relation to Moderation or marking, including in particular where the awarding of a mark or outcome of moderation is based on: an Administrative Error, a failure to apply such criteria and procedures to the evidence generated by the Learner(s) where that failure did not involve the exercise of academic judgment, or an unreasonable exercise of academic judgment’.

For additional information on the appeals process, please refer to the Joint Council for Qualifications document ‘JCQ Appeals Booklet,’

Further guidance

If you're unsure whether you have grounds to appeal, are unsure how to present your grounds for appeal, or would like further guidance on the appeals process, the Appeals Office can be contacted at and we would be happy to provide clarification. Please note, applications to appeal must not be sent to this email address and will be returned to you for resubmission using the appeals webform.

When a valid appeal is lodged, we'll carry out a preliminary appeals investigation. This will take the form of a fresh examination of all the available evidence and may involve case officers, subject-related assessment staff and senior examining personnel. We will inspect the review of marking or moderation (RoMM) files and other relevant records to check that the correct processes were followed at each stage of the marking process. All appeal decisions will be taken by persons who were not previously involved in any marking, Moderation, review of marking of Marked Assessment Material or review of Moderation regarding an assessment in respect of a Learner to which the appeal relates.
Where the appeal alleges that a specific marking or moderation error has occurred, we'll refer the details of the alleged error to a senior examiner or moderator for further review and response.  
The appeals webform will automatically acknowledge your appeal application and provide you with a unique case identifier. We will not send any further confirmation of receipt. We'll send an outcome of the preliminary appeal within 42 calendar days of receipt of a valid appeal application. In the event that the appeals office is unable to complete its consideration within this timeframe, we'll advise the centre of the likely extent of any delay. 
If, following the preliminary appeal, a centre remains dissatisfied with our response, the head of centre may request the opportunity to present their case at an appeal hearing where a panel of people who are wholly independent of Pearson will consider the case. Further details on this stage of the process will be provided in the preliminary appeal outcome and can also be found in the JCQ Appeals booklet. 

If, following an appeal hearing, the centre remains dissatisfied, it may submit an application to: 
Ofqual's Examinations Procedures Review Service (EPRS) where the qualification is in scope for that service. Centres should check the information published by the regulator to clarify if the qualification is within the scope of EPRS.

We'll normally expect centres to contribute towards the costs of appeals and panel hearings. The maximum amounts that we will charge are £150 per examination component for the preliminary appeal, and £200 for any subsequent appeal panel hearing *. There is no requirement for centres to submit any fee to be submitted with the initial appeal application. Private candidates will be required to make a payment prior to their appeal being processed. We will advise on how the payment may be made once we receive the appeal application and have reviewed it to ensure it is a valid application. We will not charge centres for special consideration appeals or for any appeal that's upheld.

*Please note that separate fees apply to appeals related to our T Level Technical Qualifications. Further information can be found here:

To support centres’ understanding of the appeals process we have provided some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for centres, below.

What are the grounds for appeal?

An appeal may be submitted if the appellant* considers that either:

  • a marking or moderation (or a review of marking/moderation) error has occurred; or
  • the awarding body did not apply its procedures consistently, properly or fairly.

Centres or private candidates can submit:

  • Appeals against results
  • Appeals against malpractice decisions
  • Appeals against decisions made in respect of access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration.
  • In addition, some other administrative decisions, such as cases of missing scripts, may be subject to review by awarding body officers.

*The appellant is the head of centre or private candidate who submits the appeal.

What is the process for appeals?

There is a two-stage process:

  • At Stage One - the preliminary appeal - the case will be reviewed by a member of the awarding body who has not had any previous involvement with or personal interest in the matter.
  • At Stage Two - the appeal hearing - the case will be considered by a panel which usually consists of three independent people (one of whom will chair the hearing).

At each stage, the appeal can be upheld, not upheld or partially upheld.

What is the Exam Procedures Review Service (EPRS)?

The completion of the appeal hearing concludes the awarding body’s appeal process. If, having completed the process, the centre believes we have not followed our appeal process it may decide to take the case to the Exam Procedures Review Service (EPRS). Details of EPRS can be found on the relevant regulator’s website and you should refer to that information for details of what is within the scope of the service, as not all qualifications are in scope.

Who can submit an appeal?

Appeals must be submitted by the centre. Students or their parents/representatives are not permitted to submit appeals directly to the awarding body (other than private candidates). Appeals submitted by students or parents directly to an awarding body will not be accepted.

A private candidate, or their representative, may submit an appeal directly to the awarding body.

We will only accept appeals directly from internal candidates in very exceptional circumstances, such as permanent centre closure.

When can I submit an appeal?

Appeals against results must not be submitted by the head of centre or private candidate until after the outcome of the relevant post-results service has been received. Appeals must be made within 30 calendar days of the awarding body issuing the outcome of the clerical re-check, review of marking or review of moderation.

Appeals against reasonable adjustment or special consideration decisions should be made within 14 calendar days of receiving the original decision and should set out clearly and concisely the grounds for the appeal. Awarding bodies may not accept appeals made outside of this timescale. 

Appeals against malpractice decisions should be made within 14 calendar days of receiving the malpractice decision. Awarding bodies may not accept appeals made outside of this timescale. 

How can I submit an appeal?

Appeals should be submitted using the appeals webform. We will not accept applications that are sent to us by email.

Only centres and private candidates can submit an appeal. Students should work with their centres to determine whether it is appropriate to appeal or not. We will only accept appeals directly from internal candidates in very exceptional circumstances, such as permanent centre closure.

Does a centre have to submit an appeal if a student requests it?

A centre may decide not to submit an appeal on behalf of a student where, for example, the grounds for the appeal are not permitted.

The centre should have its own internal appeals process for students to appeal any such decisions.

If a centre decides not to submit an appeal on behalf of a student, the student should not attempt to submit their appeal directly to the awarding body. We will only accept appeals submitted by the head of centre or a private candidate. Appeals submitted directly by students, their parents or representatives will be classified as invalid and will not be processed. We will only accept appeals directly from internal candidates in very exceptional circumstances, such as permanent centre closure.

Can a student’s grade change?

An appeal may result in a student’s grade going up, staying the same or going down. It is important that students are made aware of this and embark on an appeal on this basis.

It is also worth noting that once an appeal decision has been made, a student cannot withdraw their application to appeal. Any grade change identified as an outcome of the appeal will still be processed.

How long will it take awarding body to conduct an appeal?

We will process preliminary appeals (Stage One) within 42 calendar days of receipt of a valid application.

We will process appeal hearings (Stage Two) within 70 calendar days of receipt of a valid application.

Appeals may be processed in shorter timescales, and we will send the centre or private candidate an outcome letter for each appeal as soon as possible.

Please note that the service levels for T level Technical Qualifications differ from the above and can be found on the T Level Appeals page.

Is there a fee for an appeal?

Yes. Fees for appeals are published on our website, under the 'Fees' section above and on the T Level admin page.

A fee will apply to the preliminary appeal and, where an appeal progresses to a hearing, a separate fee will apply. Where an appeal is upheld at either stage, the fee will not be charged. We will invoice the centre or private candidate following the completion of the appeal. A fee paid in advance by a private candidate will be refunded if the appeal is upheld.

How do I appeal a reasonable adjustment, special consideration decision?

Appeals relating to access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration will be handled in line with the approach specified in the JCQ Guide to Appeals Processes.

Appeals against reasonable adjustment or special consideration decisions should be made within 14 calendar days of receiving the original decision and should set out clearly and concisely the grounds for the appeal. Awarding bodies may not accept appeals made outside of this timescale.

How do I appeal a malpractice decision? 

Malpractice appeals will be handled in line with the approach specified in the JCQ Guide to Appeals Processes. Appeals may be initiated against a finding of malpractice and/or the sanction imposed by the awarding body. It is not possible to appeal against a decision to take no further action or against a sanction which is perceived to be too lenient. 

Appeals against malpractice decisions should be made within 14 calendar days of receiving the malpractice decision. Awarding bodies may reject appeals made outside of this timescale.

Where can I find more information on the appeals process?

Further information on the appeals process can be found in the JCQ Guide to Appeals Processes, summer 2024.  

To help students understand how an appeal can be made on their behalf, and when it will be relevant to appeal, we have provided some Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for students, below.

I want to appeal my grade – what should I do?

The appeals process is available to ensure that where an error has affected your grade there is a way to have the error put right.

The first thing to do is to speak to your centre. They will be able to discuss why you think your grade is not correct and they can use our administrative check or review of marking service where they believe an error may have occurred. Your centre can advise you on the process and submit the appeal on your behalf where it agrees there is a relevant ground for the appeal.

If your centre decides not to appeal on your behalf, you cannot appeal directly to the awarding body. We will not process appeals submitted directly by students (other than private candidates) their parents or representatives. Any such applications will be classified as invalid and will not be processed. We will only accept appeals directly from internal candidates in very exceptional circumstances, such as permanent centre closure.

Who will decide the outcome of my appeal?

At Stage One - the preliminary appeal - your case will be reviewed by a member of the awarding body who has not had any previous involvement with or personal interest in the matter. An outcome will be decided and we will send this in an outcome letter to your centre. Your centre will let you know the outcome. You should discuss with your centre whether there are grounds for taking your case to the next stage.

At Stage Two - the appeal hearing - your case will be considered by a panel which usually consists of three independent people. An outcome will be decided, and we will send this in an outcome letter to your centre. Your centre will let you know the outcome. This is the final stage of the awarding body appeals process.

Where do I send my appeal to?

All student appeals must be submitted by the centre. A student (or their parents/guardians) cannot appeal directly to the awarding body, other than a private candidate. You should work with your centre to appeal.

If your centre decides not to appeal on your behalf, you cannot appeal directly to the awarding body. We will not process appeals submitted directly by students (other than private candidates) their parents or representatives. Any such applications will be classified as invalid and will not be processed. We will only accept appeals directly from internal candidates in very exceptional circumstances, such as permanent centre closure.

Is there a deadline to appeal?

Appeals against results can be submitted by the head of centre after the outcome of the relevant post-results service has been received. Appeals must be made within 30 calendar days of the awarding body issuing the outcome of the clerical re-check, review of marking or review of moderation.

Appeals against reasonable adjustment or special consideration decisions should be made within 14 calendar days of receiving the original decision and should set out clearly and concisely the grounds for the appeal.

Appeals against malpractice decisions should be made within 14 calendar days of receiving the malpractice decision.

Does my centre have to submit an appeal?

A centre may decide not to submit an appeal where, for example, the grounds for the appeal are not permitted. You should discuss this with your centre. An appeal that is submitted on grounds that are not permitted will not be accepted for processing.

Your centre will have its own internal appeals process for you to appeal its decision not to submit your appeal to the awarding body.

If your centre decides not to appeal on your behalf, you cannot appeal directly to the awarding body. We will not process appeals submitted directly by students (other than private candidates) their parents or representatives. Any such applications will be classified as invalid and will not be processed. We will only accept appeals directly from internal candidates in very exceptional circumstances, such as permanent centre closure.

Is my grade protected when I appeal?

An appeal may result in your grade going up, staying the same or going down.

It is also worth noting that once an appeal decision has been made, you cannot withdraw your application to appeal. Any grade change identified as an outcome of the appeal will still be processed.

How long will it take the awarding body to deal with my appeal?

We will process preliminary appeals (Stage One) within 42 calendar days of receipt of a valid application.

We will process appeal hearings (Stage Two) within 70 calendar days of receipt of a valid application.

Appeals may be processed in shorter timescales, and we will send the centre an outcome letter for each appeal as soon as possible.

Please note that the service levels for T level Technical Qualifications differ from the above and can be found on the T Level Appeals page.

Is there a fee for an appeal?

Yes. Fees for appeals are published on our website, under the 'Fees' section above.

A fee will apply to the preliminary appeal and, where an appeal progresses to a hearing, a separate fee will apply. Where an appeal is upheld at either stage, the fee will not be charged. We will invoice the centre (or private candidate) once the outcome of the appeal has been provided. We will advise private candidates on how to make payment once we receive a valid application to appeal.

Fees for T Level Technical Qualification appeals are published on our website, under the 'Fees' section on the T Level admin page.

What can I do if I don’t think my appeal has been handled correctly?

The appeal hearing outcome will be made by an independent panel and this should provide confidence in the outcome. However, if you have reason to believe we have not followed our appeal process in relation to your appeal, you can speak to your centre about making an application to the Exam Procedures Review Service (EPRS). Your centre will be able to advise on the scope of this service as not all qualifications are in scope for this.

How do I appeal a reasonable adjustment, special consideration decision?

Appeals relating to access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration will be handled in line with the approach specified in the JCQ Guide to Appeals Processes, summer 2024.

Appeals against reasonable adjustment or special consideration decisions should be made within 14 calendar days of receiving the original decision and should set out clearly and concisely the grounds for the appeal. Awarding bodies may not accept appeals made outside of this timescale.

How do I appeal a malpractice decision?

Malpractice appeals will be handled in line with the approach specified in the JCQ Guide to Appeals Processes, summer 2024. Appeals may be initiated against a finding of malpractice and/or the sanction imposed by the awarding body. It is not possible to appeal against a decision to take no further action or against a sanction which is perceived to be too lenient.

Appeals against malpractice decisions should be made within 14 calendar days of receiving the malpractice decision. Awarding bodies may reject appeals made outside of this timescale.

Where can I find more information on the appeals process?

Further information on the appeals process can be found in the JCQ Guide to Appeals Processes, summer 2024.  

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