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- > Reporting and amending vocational achievement
- > Amending reported achievement
Amending reported achievement
This page explains how to:
- make an amendment to a vocational learner's reported achievement
- decline a grade
- reopen a registration
- deal with queries raised by us.
Amending a reported grade
If you wish to amend unit grades before the certificates are issued, contact us as soon as possible so we can make sure you receive the award documentation on time.
If you wish to amend unit grades after the qualification has been issued, you'll need to send us a written explanation.
Where award documentation has already been issued, you'll need to return the original qualification certificate and Notification of Performance to us, along with the SA16 (BTEC) form, which you can find below.
If we receive your request for an amended certificate more than a month after the certificates have been issued, we'll charge a duplicate certificate fee.
Learners who want to reject the grade(s) achieved on a nationally accredited qualification must make a request to decline a grade(s) through their centre. These requests need to be made within five weeks of the certification issue date. You'll need to return all certification documentation to us, along with a covering letter explaining why the grade(s) should be declined.
We'll process all requests that we receive within five weeks of the certification issue date free of charge. If you make a request after that, we can only accept it while the learner registration and programme approval are still valid, and we'll charge a duplicate certificate fee.
Where a fallback Certificate of Unit Achievement or Credit has been claimed and issued, the learner’s registration is closed. If the learner wishes to resume their study, we can reopen the registration on request from the centre. We'll charge the standard duplicate certificate fee for this.
If we can't process a learner's reported success because of missing or incorrect information, or if an award has been withheld due to ineligibility, we'll send you a 'form query' through Edexcel Online.
An automatic email will be sent to your centre’s examinations officer to let you know that a query has been issued. You can access open queries on Edexcel Online by selecting the ‘BTEC’ qualification and then ‘Form Queries’ from the left-hand menu.
The query will specify the problem and request additional information or documentation so that we can process the claim and issue certification. Please respond to any open queries immediately using the query reply option on Edexcel Online to avoid any delay in the issue of a final award.
We'll check the progress of any queries to ensure that outstanding problems are resolved.