Post-results services | Pearson qualifications
Results and certification

Post-results services

If you're a centre with a concern about a student's results, you can use our post-results services. Find out more below about the services available. The information on this page should be used along with guidance from the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ).

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Download JCQ's post-results service guide:


Services available 

The information below gives a description of each service, completion deadline and list of qualifications where the services are available.

View key dates for Edexcel Functional Skills assessments



Declining grades for BTEC

In order to resit an externally assessed unit, learners must have a valid and open BTEC registration. This means that if you've claimed their full qualification award, but want to resit the assessment, you'll need to decline their grade before you'll be able to enter them for the resit.

Find out how to decline grades and amend vocational achievement

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Our Reviews of marking and moderation (RoMM) services allow you to request us to run additional checks that the grades we've issued your candidates are correct.


Free Access to Scripts service

Pearson are pleased to offer the free online access to scripts service for centres. The service will allow centres to download copies of exam scripts. This service is not available for T Levels.

An appeal may be submitted if the appellant* considers that either:

  • a marking or moderation (or a review of marking/moderation) error has occurred; or
  • the awarding body did not apply its procedures consistently, properly or fairly.

Centres or private candidates can submit:

  • Appeals against results
  • Appeals against malpractice decisions
  • Appeals against decisions made in respect of access arrangements, reasonable adjustments and special consideration.

In addition, some other administrative decisions, such as cases of missing scripts, may be subject to review by awarding body officers.

*The appellant is the head of centre or private candidate who submits the appeal.

Appeals and reviews of aegrotats/estimated grades

Section 7 of the JCQ Guide to the awarding bodies’ appeals processes, provides information about the review of other administrative decisions that centres and private candidates can request. Applications can be made using the webform.

Examples of the most common types of other administrative decisions which may be subject to review are:

• Decisions taken in cases of very late arrival.

• Decisions taken in cases of missing scripts.

• Decisions involving the use of aegrotats/estimated grades.

Where we have issued an aegrotat/estimated grade as a special consideration, these cases will be processed as appeals and centres and private candidates will be able to apply for a preliminary appeal and for an appeal hearing, where required. In other cases (not related to special consideration), checks of aegrotats will be processed as reviews of other administrative decisions.

The process we apply to estimate marks can be found on the JCQ website here: Estimating-marks-guidance-for-centres-06.03.19-8-1-1-Copy-1.pdf (

We will allow the head of centre (or designated member of the centre’s senior management team or examinations manager):

  • 30 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome to lodge an appeal against a RoMM decision
  • 14 calendar days from the receipt of the outcome to lodge an appeal against a malpractice decision
  • 14 calendar days from the receipt of the original decision to lodge an appeal against a special consideration or access arrangement decision.

Appeals should be submitted using the appeals webform

All appeals must be submitted by the entering centre. We cannot accept appeals directly from candidates, their parents or other third parties acting on their behalf. The only exception to this is if private candidates are appealing directly without the support of the entering centre. Any appeals submitted directly to us by candidates (other than private candidates), parents or other third parties will be invalid and will not be accepted for processing. Candidates wishing to appeal should contact their centre.We will only accept appeals directly from internal candidates in very exceptional circumstances, such as permanent centre closure.

Please take a look at our Appeals overview guide that provides a summary of the appeals process for 2024 and our Guidance on submitting an appeal that will help centres (and private candidates) to decide whether to submit an appeal

If you are looking for appeals information relating to appeals for T-levels then this can be found on the T-level section of our website.

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