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- > Special requirements (including modified formats)
- > Transferred candidates
Special requirements
Transferred candidates
When a learner is unable to sit an examination at their centre due to exceptional circumstances - such as a serious medical condition, suspension or exclusions - they can be transferred to another centre to sit examinations.
The transferred candidate process covers the externally-assessed, written components for A level, GCSE, International GCSE, International A Levels and externally-assessed BTEC units only.
How to make a transferred candidate application
For more information about transferred candidates, please read the JCQ Guidance Notes for Transferred Candidates document below.
Once you've read the guidance document, for home centres for GCE and GCSE examinations, use the JCQ Access Arrangements online CAP tool, accessible via Edexcel Online, to make an application.
For BTEC, GCSE and GCE for international centres, IGCSE and International A Level, use the Pearson Access Arrangements online CAP tool, accessible via Edexcel Online, to make an application.
If you have a group of students that are moving to one or more host centre please complete the transferred candidate spreasheet template and also complete the application form below and send to transferredcandidates@pearson.com. Please complete one application and spreadsheet per host centre.
If the host centre cannot be located on AAO or PAAO or the host is not a Pearson Approved Centre please complete the application form below and send to transferredcandidates@pearson.com.
For any queries regarding transferred candidates please contact the transferred candidates team via transferredcandidates@pearson.com.
Please note that for some transferred candidates arrangements there is a charge for this service.