Pearson Edexcel GCSE Sciences 9-1 (2016) New interactive scheme of work

New interactive scheme of work
We’ve created a new, digital interactive scheme of work for science - a fantastic free online planning tool for your KS3 and GCSE Science teaching.
What is it?
Like a traditional scheme of work, our interative scheme of work (iSOW) provides you with a guide for teaching the content, including a suggested teaching order, an idea of when to teach and how long to spend on each topic.
Our new interactive scheme of work for science:
- helps you cover the full curriculum and qualification requirements over 5 years: Choose to follow a 2 or 3 year Key Stage 3. The iSow recommends how long to spend on each topic, which GCSE activities you will have time to run, and which Exploring Science topics you could cover.
- lets you teach the topics in the order that works for your department: When editing the order of your scheme of work, the iSOW will automatically highlight any prerequisite topics that you need to teach first, saving you time on planning and teaching your lessons.
- works seamlessly with your existing digital teaching resources: Any existing KS3 Exploring Science or Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Science digital published resources you already have will be integrated into the iSOW, working seamlessly with them.*
It’s free, and you can start using it now.
*Pearson's paid-for resources, as well as other endorsed resources, are not a prerequisite for the delivery of Pearson Edexcel specifications.
Once registered, log in to ActiveLearn using your newly-created username and password and click on the ‘Schemes of Work’ option at the top of the screen. Then click on ‘+Create new scheme’ and select ‘Science’ from the ‘Subjects’ drop down to start building your science scheme of work.
Already subscribed to ActiveLearn Digital Service?
There is no need to register. Log in as normal, then once you’re in the ActiveLearn site, click on the Plan tab and select ‘Schemes of Work’. Then select "+Create new scheme" to start building your customised science scheme of work.