Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science (2020)

Computer Science September Update
I hope results met your expectations and I am sure some are busy looking at the possibility of Reviews of Marking through the Post Results Services. I hope all of you have had a rejuvenating summer break and are looking forward to a new school year..

Network Event

We are holding a second Network event for Computer Science GCSE it is set for 16:00 on the 26th September 2023.
We have a panel of your peers lined up to discuss their experience of moving to our specification and it will be an excellent opportunity to ask any questions that you may have. Please pass the link to this event to any teacher who you think may be interested to join and learn about our approaqch. Please regisiter below:

Post Results Services
If you're not happy with your students' results this summer, you should take the following steps:
- View the grade boundaries, question papers, mark schemes and examiner reports for the paper/qualification concerned.
- View your students’ scripts using our free access to scripts service. NB. This is available only for Paper 1
- Log in to ResultsPlus to see how your students have performed on every question and compare their performance to the national average. For Paper 2 we will provide more detailed data via your exams officer - please contact them to access this 'Item Level Mark Breakdown'.
- If you are still unhappy with your students' results, you may apply for a review of marking via our post-results services.
Full details of all our post-results services are available on our website.
Access teacher post-results support
Find fees for post-results services
Find key dates for post-results services
Post-results support for students
We have a dedicated web page for student post-results support. Please forward this link to your students where they can find information on the services for students.

Free teacher access to Pearson’s online GCSE revision.
We're here to help your GCSE Computer Science students have the best chance to succeed with online revision from the exam experts.
Pearson Revise Online gives every student the same access to all their revision guides for Pearson Edexcel and AQA subjects. All in one place online, with quick quizzes and knowledge checks to help them prioritise their learning.
This year, teachers can get free access to the platform to use in front-of-class revision lessons in the run-up to mocks.

Tim Brady
Computer Science and ICT Subject Advisor