Our Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science qualification reflects the fast-changing world of Computer Science - with innovative, future looking onscreen practical assessments to ensure all students develop the computational skills they need for an exciting future beyond the classroom.

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Time for a change?

Our GCSE Computer Science qualification equips students with the knowledge and practical skills to thrive in a technology-led world. What’s more, over 13,000 students have taken our onscreen assessment paper since 2022.

Why switch to Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science?

  • Our innovative, practical onscreen assessment ensures all students develop the computational skills they need for an exciting digital future beyond the classroom.
  • The combination of written and practical elements balances theory and practical application providing a rounded experience of Computer Science.
  • The ramping in our papers means they have a gradual increase in difficulty, helping build confidence for students as they work through the questions.
  • Unbeatable and expert support every step of the way.

Switching support guide

Access your free guide to unlock our full range of switching support, including:

  • Getting Started guides
  • New to Edexcel training

Access your guide now (PDF | 4 MB)

Switching support guide

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Hear from our centres

We've asked schools to tell us about their experiences teaching Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9–1) Computer Science. Find out about their experiences in the case studies below.

Fulford School

Pete Dring, Head of Computer Science at Fulford School, tells us about the school’s experience of teaching Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1) Computer Science.

Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science case study: Fulford School
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Read School, North Yorkshire 

Chris Sharples, Head of Computing, at Read School explains why he chose to switch to Pearson Edexcel GCSE Computer Science. Chris explains the school’s transition journey with links to all the resources and a schedule to help others make their own transition as easy and as effective as possible. Find out why he and the students are so pleased that they made the switch:

Read the full case study

Read the resource transition guide 

Churcher's College, Hampshire

Karen McCathie, Head of Department at Churcher's College, Hampshire, for Computer Science and ICT, shares her experience with the free resources we've provided for GCSE (9-1) Computer Science and how she's planning on using them in delivering the qualification.

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Feedback on onscreen assessment

“I am impressed by Pearson’s on-screen assessment for paper 2. The overall approach which seems to have really looked at this from a student's perspective with the no surprises guarantee, minimal keywords and the PLS available in the assessment.”  

Michael Naylor, National Lead Practitioner at Oasis Community Learning trust. 

"Onscreen programming assessment seems like a really obvious thing to do. Given that computers are where you learn and practice coding" - Harry Wake, aged 15. 

Read the full case study