Digital Functional Skills
Pearson Digital Functional Skills qualification is available from November 2023 and will be available in England only at Entry Level 3 and Level 1.
What are Digital Functional Skills?
Digital Functional Skills is a new qualification aimed at demonstrating a learner’s digital skills at Entry 3 and Level 1
Digital Functional Skills qualifications should fulfil the following purposes:
- Provide reliable evidence of a learner’s achievements against content that is relevant to the workplace and real life.
- Provide assessment of a learner’s knowledge and skills as well as their ability to apply these in different contexts.
- Provide a foundation for progression into employment or further education and develop skills for everyday life.
They are funded and available for:
- 14-16
- 16-18
- 19 +
The subject content for Digital Functional Skills qualifications has been created by the Department for Education at Entry Level 3 and Level 1. This sets out the learning outcomes and content coverage for the qualifications.
Digital Functional Skills Qualification is funded and available for the following learners in England only:
- 14-16
- 16-18
- 19 +
Both levels will have an externally set and marked onscreen / online assessment which will be available on demand. The assessments will be pass / fail in line with the other Functional Skills qualifications.
These qualifications are due to go live for registration and delivery in October 2023. Assessments will be available too.
Functional Skills ICT qualifications closed for new registrations at the 31st August 2023. There will be one year of dual running to allow for learners to complete their Functional Skills ICT qualifications.
Digital Functional Skills is available at Entry Level 3 and Level 1 only as specified by the Department for Education.
Registrations will go live on the 6th November.
We will be auto approving all centres with Functional Skills ICT or Essential Digital Skills registrations over the last two years. If you need to seek approval, please contact us.
Live assessments for both Entry Level 3 and Level 1 will be available from March 2024.
No, for both Entry Level 3 and Level 1 Digital Functional Skills you will be billed on successful opening of an assessment.
Yes, due to OFQUAL requirements, anyone involved in the delivery of Digital FSQ will not be allowed to invigilate the assessments of that subject, even if they do not deliver to the learners involved. They can act as a second invigilator.