Apprentices who achieve their End-point Assessment for this standard will be invited to claim their Credly digital badge.
New apprenticeships Operations / Departmental Manager (L5)
About the role
The Operations / Departmental Manager apprenticeship will require apprentices to manage teams and/or projects, and have responsibility for planning, delivering and achieving departmental goals and objectives. They are accountable to a more senior manager, head of department or small business owner, and are responsible for the operational and/or policy delivery of the organisation’s strategy.
See also
This apprenticeship standard will typically take a minimum of 24 months to complete, although the exact duration will be dependent on the previous experience of the individual. It is applicable to professional managers from all sectors - the private, public or third sector - and all sizes of organisation.
We provide a clear learning programme to take apprentices from entry through to the gateway for end-point assessment.
You can use our on-programme offer regardless of whether you are using Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation or not.
End-point assessment
As an ESFA-approved Assessment Organisation, we provide a full range of assessment services and support from our experienced EPA team to equip you and your learners with the diverse requirements of the apprenticeship standards.
You can use Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation, regardless of whether you choose to use our on-programme offer or not.
Operations and Departmental Manager Apprenticeship Standard EPA plan changes
The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IfATE) have published a new version 4 of the assessment plan for the Operations Manager Standard - ST0385/AP04.
As of 25 September 2024, all new apprentices starting on the Operations Manager Standard will be registered against version 4 of the assessment plan and undertake EPA as per its requirements.
Any apprentices registered prior to 25 September 2024 should remain on version 3 of the assessment plan - ST0385/AP03.
We will be updating our EPA Specification and EPARP by end of April 2025..
Please see the link to the IfATE web page below:
Operations manager / Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education