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Results and certification
Key dates for results
Results dates
Here are the results dates for all Pearson qualifications.
Exam session | Results to centres | Results to students | Qualification |
Oct-24 | 15/01/2025 | 16/01/2025 | IAL, iPrimary, iLowerSecondary |
Nov-24 | 08/01/2025 | 09/01/2025 | GCSE English Language and Mathematics |
Nov-24 | 22/01/2025 | 23/01/2025 | International GCSE |
Jan-25 | 05/03/2025 | 06/03/2025 | International A level, Project (EPQ and Levels 1 and 2) and Edexcel Award |
Jan-25 | 19/03/2025 | 20/03/2025 | BTEC Nationals, Firsts and Tech Awards (from 2022) |
Feb-25 | 02/04/2025 | 03/04/2025 | BTEC Firsts and Tech Awards (from 2017) |
Mar-25 | 23/04/2025 | 24/04/2025 | BTEC Level 2 Technicals |
Jun-25 | 13/08/2025 | 14/08/2025 | AS/A level, AEA, Edexcel Award Level 3, EPQ and Mathematics in Context, International A level |
Jun-25 | 06/08/2025 * | 14/08/2025 | BTEC Nationals |
Jun-25 | 20/08/2025 | 21/08/2025 | GCSE, International GCSE, Project Level 1 and 2, Edexcel Award Level 1 and 2, and ELC(A), iPrimary, iLowerSecondary |
Jun-25 | 15/08/2025 * | 21/08/2025 | BTEC Firsts, Level 2 Technicals and Tech Awards (from 2017 and from 2022) |
* These are embargoed released dates specifically for registrations that are pending an external assessment result from summer 2024. Qualifications that are 100% internally assessed or are not awaiting an external assessment result from summer 2024 are not embargoed and can be released once an overall qualification grade is awarded.
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