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BTEC marks convertor support
This tool will provide you with the mapping for live series for externally assessed units in the BTEC Nationals and Tech Awards qualifications, and all awarded components in the BTEC 2022 Tech Award suite.
This tool will be updated with the Raw to Points/UMS mapping on the results date for each assessment series.The mapping is very useful for using past assessments for mocks, it also helps with understanding the contribution of these units/components to the points or UMS total which determines the overall qualification outcome.
At results time you can download for each unit/component a csv file using the Export option dropdown.
Please note: the results shown in this tool are for units and components and do not guarantee a learner a specific qualification outcome.
For Tech Award 2022
A downloaded csv file can be used to check the final raw mark for each component. For internally assessed components, if your centre marks were accepted in moderation the final raw marks will match your submission. If your centre marks were adjusted through the moderation process, detailed instructions are available for analysis of the difference between your submitted centre mark and the final raw mark awarded.
Instructions for analysing the final raw mark for the Tech Award 2022 internally assessed components