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- > International exam start times
International exam start times
Please use our examination start time documents for your region alongside the timetable documents. For further information on start times, please refer to the essential information below.
This tool details the times for examinations, in the local time of each time zone, given using the 24-hour clock. Unless otherwise indicated, the exam start times are listed. To allow some flexibility, centres can start examinations up to 30 minutes earlier or later than the published time below without authorisation from Pearson. One hour after the published exam start time, students may be allowed to leave the exam room without supervision.
Where the afternoon exam time is given with the "(Release time)" disclaimer, this time instead shows the time at which students can be released by the centre following completion of the exam. Exams should therefore be scheduled to finish close to this release time. For example, if the release time is given as 20:30, and exam with a two hour duration should be started at 18:30. This will ensure minimal student supervision by the centre is required after an exam is finished. If an exam is completed before the release time, students must remain under the supervision of invigilators or other centre staff until the release time, and parental supervision cannot be used instead. Supervision of students will not be required after the release time listed for these exams.
Permission must be requested in advance if a centre wishes to vary the start time of exams by more than 30 minutes. This request must be emailed to uk.special.requirements@pearson.com with the message title "Request for variation to exam start time", no later than 6 weeks before the date of the exam.
If a country or time zone is not listed here, centres in that country or time zone should contact regulation@pearson.com for information about when to begin their exams.
You can download exam start times below.