If you are new to the role of Quality Nominee, this is the place for you. All centres have an allocated Vocational Quality Assurance Manager (VQAM) - find yours using themap below.

You can also email us quality assurance queries by completing our contact form. Further instructions can be found below and we aim to respond within 48 hours.

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Find your Pearson Quality Advisor (PQA)

Find your Vocational Quality Assurance Manager (VQAM)

Regional map

Here you will find which of our team members will be your centres point of contact for all things related to vocational quality assurance

Are you correctly identified as the Quality Nominee at your centre?

As a new Quality Nominee (QN), the first essential activity is to ensure that your centre Exams Officer has identified the role within your Edexcel Online account by selecting: 

  • the primary job role: 'Quality Nominee'
  • ticking the box, ‘Please check this box if you are the Quality Nominee for your centre’.

This will enable you to receive communications from Pearson relating to our quality assurance activities outlined within our centre guides.


Where to go first

Preparing to Deliver BTEC Qualifications - Planning Stages
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Preparing to Deliver BTEC Qualifications - Planning Stages

Preparing to Deliver BTEC Qualifications - Quality Assurance
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Preparing to Deliver BTEC Qualifications - Quality Assurance

We have a wealth of information within our dedicated web pages, which we refer to as the Quality Nominee Hub (QN Hub). To get started, we recommend you:

Register for our Free online event 'Roles and Responsibilities of a Quality Nominee'

Register for one of our weekly quality catch-ups  (PDF | 100 KB)

Check your centres Annual Quality Declaration has been submitted (required each academic year between 1 Sept - 14 Oct), see our AQD Guidance

Download a copy of our year planner in the 'Useful documents' section below     

Take a look at our bite-sized videos and subscribe to our YouTube channel

Check out our 'Resources' page for lots of free-to-use templates and guides

Visit the dedicated Quality Model page via the 'Overview' tab above


Useful documents

Schools and FE - BTEC

Quality Assurance Year Planner

PDF | 187 KB



Quality Assurance Year Planner

PDF | 119 KB


You can find more guides and documents within the related quality assurance model web pages, or by visiting our resources page.


Quality Nominee Community

Covering everything quality assurance for all our vocational qualifications, the community is run by the Vocational Quality Assurance Management (VQAM) team and is a quick and easy way to ask us questions directly or collaborate with colleagues.

Quality Assurance catch-ups

These online drop-in sessions with your Vocational Quality Assurance Manager are designed to discuss current Quality Assurance activities and answer related questions.