BTEC Tech Awards 2022
The new BTEC Tech Awards (first teach Sept 2022) require a different approach to quality assurance. Check out our centre guides, key dates and bitesize videos below for further information.
Annual Quality Declaration (AQD)
Centre Quality Nominees will need to be complete the AQD between 1 Sept - 14 Oct each academic year if delivering Pearson Vocational qualifications.
For full details on how to complete, review our centre guide
Edexcel Online Account Confirmation
To maintain centre and learner data security, the Head of Centre is required to confirm active Edexcel Online users. This must be completed between 1 Sept - 14 Oct each academic year.
For full details on how to complete, review our centre guide
Useful documents
Bitesize videos -
BTEC Tech Awards (first teach Sept 2022)
Let's Connect! Book a Free 15-Minute Appointment
We're excited to introduce a new way for you to connect with your VQAM through Microsoft Teams! This replaces our traditional quality assurance catch-ups and offers you even more access to support. Simply click the link below or the 'Meet your VQAM' link in the blue bar at the top of the page to get started.
Quality Nominee Community
Covering everything quality assurance for all our vocational qualifications, the community is run by the Vocational Quality Assurance Management (VQAM) team and is a quick and easy way to ask us questions directly or collaborate with colleagues.