ResultsPlus provides the most detailed analysis available of your students’ exam performance. Widely used by teachers across the country, this free online service enables you to identify topics and skills where students could benefit from further learning, helping them gain a deeper understanding of geography.
Edexcel A level Geography (2016)
Specimen papers
We’ve published additional specimen papers to help you become familiar with the new style of exams and to give students practice papers you can use to pinpoint and guide their progress.
Exemplar student work
We’ve published examiner marked student exemplars for the coursework and sample assessment materials (SAMs) to help you and your students understand the standard that’s expected.
Our Mocks Service
Following a successful pilot with The Dean Trust, our new Mocks service
will provide schools with Pearson Edexcel GCSE and A level exam papers
for use in mock examinations. The papers are sat by students and marked
by either Pearson examiners or the school teaching staff, with the results
and item level analysis being made available via ResultsPlus.