Moderation and internal assessment for BTEC Tech Awards from 2022.

This page provides guidelines on marking internally assessed work for the Pearson set assignments and explains how the moderation process works for the BTEC Tech Awards from 2022.

Overview of the Tech Award 2022 Moderation process for internally assessed components of BTEC Tech Award 2022: 

Step-by-step guide

Understanding BTEC Tech Awards (2022) results 

When you receive results for each internally assessed component, you will see a grade and a uniform mark scale (UMS) mark total'. The UMS to grade mapping is fixed and you can find it in the specification, in the section calculation of the qualification grade.

The UMS is used to convert learners’ component ‘raw’ marks into uniform marks in order to standardise marks from one series to another. This is because raw mark grade boundaries may change from series to series to take into account variations in the difficulty of assessments. We set new grade boundaries each time a new exam or assessment is completed. They indicate the minimum number of raw marks learners need to achieve to get a particular grade.   
For example, a learner who achieves a Level 2 Pass in a component one series will receive the same uniform mark as a learner achieving that same component grade the following series, regardless of their raw marks, as the UMS grade boundaries stay the same from series to series.

Raw mark to UMS mapping

Use our BTEC marks converter tool to see how a PSA raw mark is mapped to the UMS marks that are used for certification. Each session (PSA) has a table that shows how a raw mark would be translated to the UMS mark found in the results.

Use the BTEC marks converter tool