BTEC Firsts Performing Arts (2012) | Pearson qualifications

BTEC Firsts Performing Arts (2012)

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  1. More flexibility and choice in BTEC Firsts from September 2018
  2. One or more of these qualifications has expired for new registrations. Please check the last registration date below.

Here you’ll find support for teaching and studying BTEC Firsts in Performing Arts. Through a combination of practical experience and written assignments, these vocational qualifications provide level 2 learners with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for a career in the sector.

Units offered include collaborating on a community arts project and learning how individual performance and production roles contribute to a live performance.

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?BTEC qualifications come in different sizes. Select a tab to see more details about each size.

BTEC First Award in Performing Arts specification
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Qualification type:
BTEC First
Qualification title:
Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award in Performing Arts
Qualification framework:
See the latest information on accountability measures
Level 1/2
Accreditation status:
Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
Total Qualification Time (TQT):
Qualification number (QN):
Eligible for funding in England for:
16-18 (EFA funding), Pre-16 (EFA funding)
UK and Europe ?The Europe region includes some countries outside the European continent. These countries are: Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Cyprus, the Canary Islands, Falklands, Israel, Iceland, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
First teaching:
Last registration:
  • 31 December 2026 (England)
  • 31 December 2026 (Wales)
Final certification:
  • 31 December 2028 (England)
  • 31 December 2028 (Wales)

BTEC First Certificate in Performing Arts specification
Download PDF | 5.8 MB
Qualification type:
BTEC First
Qualification title:
Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Certificate in Performing Arts
Qualification framework:
See the latest information on accountability measures
Level 1/2
Accreditation status:
Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
Total Qualification Time (TQT):
Qualification number (QN):
Eligible for funding in England for:
Pre-16 (EFA funding), 16-18 (EFA funding)
UK and Europe ?The Europe region includes some countries outside the European continent. These countries are: Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Cyprus, the Canary Islands, Falklands, Israel, Iceland, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
First teaching:
Last registration:
  • 31 December 2024
Final certification:
  • 31 December 2026

BTEC First Extended Certificate in Performing Arts specification
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Qualification type:
BTEC First
Qualification title:
Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Extended Certificate in Performing Arts
Qualification framework:
See the latest information on accountability measures
Level 1/2
Accreditation status:
Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
Total Qualification Time (TQT):
Qualification number (QN):
Eligible for funding in England for:
16-18 (EFA funding), 19+ Local flexibility (SFA funding), Pre-16 (EFA funding)
UK and Europe ?The Europe region includes some countries outside the European continent. These countries are: Russia, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan,Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Cyprus, the Canary Islands, Falklands, Israel, Iceland, Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.
First teaching:
Last registration:
  • 31 December 2024 (England)
  • 31 December 2024 (Wales)
Final certification:
  • 31 December 2026 (England)
  • 31 December 2026 (Wales)

BTEC First Diploma in Performing Arts specification
Download PDF | 5.8 MB
Qualification type:
BTEC First
Qualification title:
Pearson BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Diploma in Performing Arts
Qualification framework:
See the latest information on accountability measures
Level 1/2
Accreditation status:
Guided Learning Hours (GLH):
Total Qualification Time (TQT):
Qualification number (QN):
Eligible for funding in England for:
Pre-16 (EFA funding), 16-18 (EFA funding), 19+ Local flexibility (SFA funding)
UK only
First teaching:
Last registration:
  • 31 December 2024
Final certification:
  • 31 December 2026
Support for teachers

Support for teachers

Content for: Getting ready to teach

Whether you’re planning to teach BTEC for the first time or have taught BTEC Firsts before, you’ll find all the information you need to plan your course here.

To help get you started, there’s a step-by-step guide to delivering BTEC.

Then you can create courses and assignments using the course wizard in myBTEC; download sample assessment materials; gather ideas for practical activities and realistic scenarios from our Delivery Guide; or book your place on one of our training courses.

Watch an introduction to our BTEC training courses. 

An introduction to our BTEC Training Events
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Get to know your course

Expert help and support

Recruit and prepare learners

Course planning

Unit planning

Content for: Teaching and learning

Once your plans are in place, there’s plenty of advice and guidance available to help you deliver BTEC Firsts.

The Introduction to Standardisation training helps make sure you’re up to speed on the Quality Assurance process. There’s also FAQs about onscreen testing and a wealth of material in the Teaching and Learning section of the Course Materials area, including Sample Marked Learner Work.

We also offer a wealth of published resources to support your learners and bring your lessons to life.

Content for: Preparing for assessment

High-quality, teacher-led assessment is at the heart of BTEC Firsts. These qualifications also contain an element of external assessment, which may be through a timetabled paper-based examination or an onscreen, on-demand test.

To help you in creating your own assignments, you can use our authorized assignment briefs either ‘off the shelf’ or as a guide to creating your own.

There’s also a Guide to Internal Assessment Sample Assessment Materials, and Sample Marked Learner Work.

If you need clarity on how much feedback to give your learners when they’re working on assignments, you can work through our Giving Feedback – refresher training.


External assessment takes the form of an onscreen test or a traditional paper-based exam.

Prepare your learners with sample assessment materials, mark schemes and past papers.

You can also see feedback from a ‘retired’ onscreen test to see how and why marks were awarded. 

Content for: Understanding results

Calculating BTEC grades 

The specification is the best place to find guidance on how the qualification grade is calculated, but you can also see our guidance for students on how we calculate the overall grade for their BTEC. Alternatively, if you or your students want to calculate an overall BTEC grade, you can use our handy grade calculator. 

After each test, we make a range of documents available to help you see why your learners have received the grades they have, and to use in future teaching to help new learners prepare for assessment. These materials include:

  • Mark Schemes and Past Papers including retired onscreen tests
  • Lead Examiner reports – an overview of how learners performed on each unit and the overall test.

We also have subject-specific post-results services, which include information about what you can do if you’re concerned about a student’s results.

Grading for Internally Assessed units is carried out according to the Quality Assurance process and is supported by Standards Verifiers. 


Support for students

Support for students

What will I learn?

BTEC Firsts in Performing Arts can help you take your first steps towards a career onstage or behind the scenes. You’ll learn essential skills such as acting, dance and musical performance, stage management, production and set design. 

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