February BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media Update | Pearson qualifications

BTEC and T Level Art, Design and Media February update

19 February 2024

Welcome to the February update from your Subject Advisor.  

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I hope you have all had a good start to the new year and that you have been able to work towards the Summer 2024 assessment series with success. As the school year progresses, remember to take time for yourself and enjoy the breaks when they come. 

A lot is happening at Pearson in terms of resources and support so I hope you find these updates valuable. I will continue to highlight key developments and information as well as wider curriculum opportunities. In addition, we always welcome feedback on how we can continue to improve our qualifications for teachers and learners so please do not hesitate to get in touch with any recommendations.


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 Vocational Updates

On 2 February the Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) published their updated JCQ guidance on AI Use in Assessments.

The guidance is designed to help students and teachers to complete NEAs, coursework and other internal assessments successfully, giving students the chance to demonstrate skills which cannot be assessed in exams.

Please do share the latest version of the guidance with senior leaders, teachers and assessors in your school or college. It’s vital the guidance informs school policies on AI use, and schools and colleges provide staff and students with clear information.

A summary of the key updates is available on the JCQ website. They've also produced a poster for students on the use of AI and assessments and an information sheet for teachers along with PowerPoint presentations for teachers and students.

Read all the information on JCQ blog and download the updated guidance and support materials.

As users of our Learner Work Transfer platform, we would like to hear from you about your experiences with the system. The outcomes of this survey will help us to continue to introduce improvements, making it easier for you to upload and monitor learner work in future series.

The survey is anonymous but there is the opportunity to leave contact details to provide more in depth feedback if you so wish.



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 BTEC Level 1/2 Tech Award Updates

Check out our new Training and Events page, where you can access past training event recordings and bitesize videos to support the delivery of BTEC Tech Awards (2022).

Tech Award Art and Design Practice training and events

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Tech Award Creative Media Production training and events

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Date Art and Design Practice
15 Jan 2024 Release of Component 2: Externally Assessed task 
10 May 2024 Deadline to upload learner work for Component 2 external assessment
48 hours prior to moderation visit Component 1 marks must be submitted 48 hours in advance of the agreed moderation visit
21 June 2024 Deadline for amending marks following moderator feedback (where necessary) for internal assessments
22 Aug 2024 Release of results to learners

Please note, due to the terminal assessment rules, Component 2 must be sat during the same assessment series in which certification for the qualification is requested.

Administrative Support Guide
Component 1 Administrative Support Guide
pdf | 455.4 KB
Administrative Support Guide
Component 2 Administrative Support Guide
pdf | 420.7 KB
BTEC Tech Awards (from 2022) Key dates schedule 2023-24
Tech Award Key Dates 2023-24
pdf | 122.5 KB
 Sample Marked Learner Work - Component Two
Component 2 Exemplar - High Mark
pdf | 2.9 MB
Sample Marked Learner Work - Component Two
Component 2 Exemplar - Mid Mark
pdf | 2.0 MB
Sample Marked Learner Work - Component Two
Component 2 Exemplar - Low Mark
pdf | 1.9 MB

Date Creative Media Production
8 Jan 2024 Release of Pearson-Set Assignments for internally assessed components
15 Jan 2024 Release of Component 2: Externally Assessed task 
1 May 2024 Component 1 and 2 deadline for mark submission and upload of work for sampled learners
10 May 2024 Component 3 deadline to upload learner work for external assessment
21 June 2024 Deadline for amending marks following moderator feedback (where necessary) for internal assessments
22 Aug 2024 Release of results to learners

Please note, due to the terminal assessment rules, Component 3 must be sat during the same assessment series in which certification for the qualification is requested.

Administrative Support Guide
Component 1 and 2 Administrative Support Guide
pdf | 426.9 KB
Administrative Support Guide
Component 3 Administrative Support Guide
pdf | 290.7 KB
BTEC Tech Awards (from 2022) Key dates schedule 2023-24
Tech Award Key Dates 2023-24
pdf | 122.5 KB


The Pearson Set Assignments (PSAs) for internally assessed components are available to download from the qualification Course Materials page under the ‘June 2024’ drop-down menu within the Internal Assessments (PSAs) category.


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The PSAs are secure materials, and you will need an Edexcel Online login (EOL) to access this. EOL accounts are managed by the centre Exams Officer / EOL Administrator. If, as a teacher, you need an EOL login please talk to your Exams Officer who will be able to get you set up. 

Please note that as an additional step for securing customer and learner data we have now introduced our new app-based multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all users of Edexcel Online, replacing the email-based MFA. The app is now mandatory to access Edexcel Online via the Pearson Portal. If you've not done so already, you'll need to download the Pearson authenticator app to a smart device (such as a smart phone) to continue to access Edexcel online via the Pearson Portal.

The live externally set tasks for externally assessed components are available to download from the BTEC Tech Awards Secure Tests page.

Please note, these are gold padlocked materials and can only be accessed by Exams Officers. 

After the live assessment period is completed Pearson will move the externally set tasks to the support pages so that they are readily available for teachers to access. If you are not currently set up to use Edexcel Online, then you need to check with the Edexcel Online Administrator at your centre. If you require any assistance, please contact us.

Check out the links below for helpful resources and support with delivering the Tech Awards.



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 BTEC Level 3 National Updates

We are currently in the process of redeveloping our BTEC National Art, Design and Media qualifications. We regularly revisit our qualifications over a number of years, to ensure that they are up to date and meet the needs of learners in the current context of the subject.

The remaining 2010 QCF qualifications in Creative Media Production have a final registration date of August 2024. From September 2024, here are the available options for new learners:

  • 2016 Nationals in Creative Digital Media Production are a direct replacement for the QCF qualification sizes, with specialist titles offered. These include external assessment and are on performance tables 

  • 2019 Nationals in Creative Media Practice is available in Foundation Diploma and Extended Diploma sizes. It has no specialist titles or optional units, however technical content is selected by the centre so you can design the specific programme you want to offer. 100% internally assessed, but not on performance tables

Both suites will be defunded in August 2026 and replaced by new AAQs as part of the government Level 3 reforms. New AAQs will align with the 2019 qualifications in structure, but will include external assessment to meet new DfE and Ofqual regulatory requirements.

Externally assessed unit dates have been published in the 2023-2024 exam timetables.

The live externally set tasks for externally assessed components are available to download from the BTEC Nationals Secure Tests page.

Please note, these are gold padlocked materials and can only be accessed by Exams Officers. 

After the live assessment period is completed Pearson will move the externally set tasks to the support pages so that they are readily available for teachers to access. If you are not currently set up to use Edexcel Online, then you need to check with the Edexcel Online Administrator at your centre. If you require any assistance, please contact us.



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 International BTEC Updates

The Pearson Set Assignments (PSAs) for internally assessed components are available to download from the qualification Course Materials page under the ‘Pearson Set Assignment’ drop-down menu within the Internal Assessments category.

The PSAs are valid for one year after the date published. You may use whichever PSA you prefer and the additional PSA is intended as a backup for any retakes required.


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The PSAs are secure materials, and you will need an Edexcel Online login (EOL) to access this. EOL accounts are managed by the centre Exams Officer / EOL Administrator. If, as a teacher, you need an EOL login please talk to your Exams Officer who will be able to get you set up. 

Please note that as an additional step for securing customer and learner data we have now introduced our new app-based multi-factor authentication (MFA) for all users of Edexcel Online, replacing the email-based MFA. The app is now mandatory to access Edexcel Online via the Pearson Portal. If you've not done so already, you'll need to download the Pearson authenticator app to a smart device (such as a smart phone) to continue to access Edexcel online via the Pearson Portal.



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 BTEC Higher National Updates

We have launched our new BTEC Higher Nationals qualifications for Art, Design and Media in September 2023 alongside our existing qualifications. Our aim is to give you more flexibility and scope when designing your curriculum so we hope you enjoy our new titles.

Resources for these qualifications can be accessed through HN Global.



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 T Level Updates

Check out the latest updates on T Levels and sign up for future T Level updates.



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 Helpful Resources and Inspiration

Importance of the Arts in Education

The importance of the arts in education and the value they bring to young people is at the heart of what we do. Designing courses that give students an authentic creative experience is a priority and it is vital that we continue to raise the profile of our subjects in education and beyond. As such, below is a range of external resources invaluable to your wider curriculum development.


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Art of Fiction

Contribute a patch and your story to the University of Exeter research project 'The Art of Fiction' which is exploring how judgements of literary, aesthetic, and professional value affect women’s creative identities.

Find out more about the project 


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V&A Innovate

V&A Innovate is an annual National Schools Challenge, asking students in years 7, 8 and 9 to work in teams of 4 – 6 to design a solution to a real-world problem.

Learn more and register to take part 


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V&A Mused

Mused is a place for young people to have fun with all things art, design, fashion, music and gaming. Absolutely everything on Mused is age appropriate and created with – and for – young people. 

Check out the V&A Mused resources 


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AWARE: Archives of Women Artists, Research and Exhibitions is a non-profit Association specialising in women artists and has a fantastic database of artists you could use to diversify your curriculum.

Search for artists on AWARE 


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Toon Boom Animation

Delivering animation through our qualifications? Check out Toon Boom Animation's Storyboard Pro and Harmony software. The world’s largest 2D animation studios choose Toon Boom to bring their TV series and feature films from ideation to screen.

Find out more about Toon Boom Animation 


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CreateBritain brings together every aspect of British Design and Creativity and is an excellent resource for qualifications with professional practice as part of the content (ie. Level 3 - Level 5).

Find out more about CREATEBritain 

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Thank you!

I hope you found this update useful. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me and the team using the contact details below. 


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