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- > Pearson Edexcel International toolkit
Pearson Edexcel International toolkit
Pearson Edexcel qualifications give students from the ages of 3 to 19 the knowledge and skills that will, ultimately, open doors to the universities of their choice.
Here you can find a range of marketing literature to promote Pearson Edexcel qualifications to parents and students. If you are new centre interested in offering our qualifications, or an existing centre looking to offer more, complete our expression of interest form.
Pearson Edexcel logos
In order to support your own marketing activity of Pearson qualifications, we have compiled some helpful brand guidelines.
Pearson Edexcel Approved Centre logos and plaques
In addition to the above logos, we also have specific logos and plaque artwork for approved centres, approved online centres and associate centres.
Approved centres can access approved logos below:
Joint branded marketing material and social media assets
We have a comprehensive range of marketing assets for International Schools.
Explore our marketing toolkit for schools
If you would like to add your logo to any of the guides on this page (joint branding) or would like to use any social media assets on your own channels, please email us with your requirements internationalschools@pearson.com.