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- > Using the BTEC grade calculator
Understanding marks and grades
Using the BTEC grade calculator
Find out how qualification grades are aggregated for the BTEC Firsts, Tech Awards and BTEC Nationals (first teaching from 2016) with our grade calculators.
You can use the calculator to:
- calculate the overall grade that a learner will achieve based on their results for each unit
- model potential outcomes should a learner obtain certain grades in the external unit(s)
- plan your courses - the calculator tells you if a unit is internal or external
- check unit combinations will be eligible for certification
- use our Reverse calculators to ‘reverse calculate’ the required externally assessed mark and grade based on internally assessed unit achievement, and a qualification outcome.
BTEC Nationals - Grade Calculator
BTEC Nationals Grade Calculator including the reverse calculation function
477.0 KB
/content/dam/pdf/Support/Understanding marks and grades/reverse-btec-nationals-grade-calculator-v270624.xlsm
BTEC Tech Awards from 2017 Grade Calculator
BTEC Tech Awards from 2017 Grade Calculator including the reverse calculation function
44.9 KB
/content/dam/pdf/Support/Understanding marks and grades/REVERSE-BTEC-Tech-Award-Grade-Calculator.xlsm
BTEC Tech Award from 2022 Grade Calculator
BTEC Tech Awards from 2022 Grade Calculator using UMS points
65.0 KB
/content/dam/pdf/Support/Understanding marks and grades/tech-award-from-2022-grade-calculator-v3-22-11-2023.xlsm
BTEC Firsts - Grade calculator
214.9 KB
/content/dam/pdf/Support/Understanding marks and grades/BTEC-First-Grade-Calculator-new.xlsm
BTEC Level 1 Introductory - Grade Calculator
84.5 KB
/content/dam/pdf/Support/Understanding marks and grades/BTEC_Level_1_Introductory_Grade_Calculator.xlsm
Frequently asked questions
Clear the sector and any optional units and then try again. If you can’t fix the problem, contact us using the customer support portal
Select the relevant cell and press the 'Delete' or 'Backspace' key on your keyboard. You can also use the drop-down arrow to correct the mistake.
All you need to know to deliver BTEC
System requirements and limitations
You'll need the full version of Microsoft Excel 2010, or a later version, in order to use the grade calculator.
Calculating a grade
- Select the qualification size.
- Choose from the list of available sectors in the orange drop-down box.
- Select the optional units from the orange drop-down box. This will only let you choose certain units based on the rules of combination set out in the specification. The GLH total will stay red until you’ve selected a sufficient number.
- Select the grade for each unit that the learner has achieved (or is predicted to achieve). The calculator will automatically calculate the points as you enter each grade.
- The final grade and points total will be displayed below.
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