Converting marks, points and grades | Pearson qualifications
Understanding marks and grades

Converting marks, points and grades

Convert UMS and raw marks

For Modular qualifications, the ‘final mark’ or the UMS mark is different from the score on the exam paper – the so-called ‘raw mark’. The mark converter tool below will help you calculate the UMS mark from the raw mark.

This does not apply to Linear qualifications, which now use scaled subject marks and are awarded at qualification rather than at paper level. However, we also provide a component scaling calculator below to help you transfer raw marks into scaled ones.

Please note: reformed 9-1 GCSEs don't use raw-mark to uniform-mark conversion, so there is no data for June 2019 GCSEs. 

Grade Converter

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Step 1. Select a Qualification Family {{selectedQualificationFamily}} Change

Step 2. Select exam series {{selectedExamSeries.split('-secure')[0]}} {{selectedExamSeries}} Change

Step 3. Select subject {{selectedQualification}} Change

Step 4. Select Unit {{selectedUnit}} Change

Step 5. Convert raw marks


UMS marks do not apply to Linear qualifications, which now use scaled subject marks and are awarded at qualification rather than at paper level. We have provided a component scaling calculator below to help you transfer raw marks into scaled ones.

Component Scaling Calculator

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Step 1. Select a Qualification Family {{selectedQualificationFamily}} Change

Step 2. Select subject {{selectedQualification}} Change

Step 3. Select Unit {{selectedUnit}} Change

Step 4. Component Scaling Calculator

RAW mark
Scaling factor
Subject mark
Subject mark total : {{finalTotal}}
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