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Guidance and administration
Here, you'll find everything you need to conduct examinations in your centre, from ordering stationery to tracking your examination papers.
The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) publishes information for all examination bodies. It has a set of common regulations for centres across academic and vocational qualifications, which you'll also find in the pages below. Explore www.jcq.org.uk.
Support for the new academic year
To help you navigate the academic year smoothly, we've put together a seasonal support article with all the essential information you'll need to get off to a great start, including BTEC external assessments and the November series for general qualifications . Bookmark this article so you have it to hand when you need it.
Exams officer support: new academic year essential information
Examination stationery
We will routinely send you quantities of examination stationery and envelopes relating to the entries that you make.
The stationery and materials list provides information on the stationery and equipment required for our general qualification examinations in the next series. The list is provided here as a spreadsheet which you can download and filter to your requirements.
If you wish, you can order additional quantities of these items by visiting our additional stationery requests site.
Administration time
Exams Officers can now print their own labels or request a collection via the Pacelforce website for delivery of material to our Hellaby processing sites.
Please watch this short video for guidance on how to request a replacement label using the parcelforce portal.
Print label or request a collection for General Qualifications and BTEC.
Print label or request a collection for Functional Skills on demand.
Replacement label portal support video

You can now track your consignments of papers using our online question paper despatch tool on Edexcel Online. (Please note that, for security purposes, you'll need an Edexcel Online registered email address.)
With the online tool, you can:
- View which question papers have been sent to you
- Track the papers' delivery progress
- Obtain delivery details for the consignment of question papers.
Please note that you cannot use this online tool to track:
- BTEC or NVQ materials
- Attendance registers or forms used in the administration of examinations
- Examination stationery such as booklets or envelopes (find details of examination stationery despatches).
Need help? Watch our Question Paper Despatch Tutorial Video.