Centre consortia | Pearson qualifications
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Centre consortia

A centre consortium is a partnership between centres to offer qualifications. Find out how to set up centre consortia for academic and vocational qualifications.

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Candidates from different centres may be taught and assessed together, but entered through the centre at which they're enrolled. In such cases, you'll need to let us know that your centres wish to be treated as a consortium.

Responsibilities within a centre consortium

Home centres Lead centre
Centres that make entries and registrations within the consortium programme, and are responsible for all administrative processes.   A centre that delivers the consortium programme. 

How to apply for centre consortium approval

To tell us about your consortium:

  1. Nominate a consortium coordinator to liaise with us on behalf of your consortium
  2. Complete the Centre Consortium Arrangements Form
  3. Post your completed form to:

GQ Deployment
One90 High Holborn

Please note that:

  • You'll need to complete a new application for each examination series
  • The form must be submitted by 31 October for the following January series, or by 31 January for the following June series.

How the consortium will work

When you're set up as a consortium, your candidates will be treated as a single group for the purposes of coursework or controlled assessment moderation.

The consortium coordinator must ensure that internal standardisation is carried out by all the teachers involved in the subject in the consortium.

The same moderator will be allocated to every centre within the consortium for a particular component, with confirmation or adjustment of marks being applied to all centres within the consortium.

Responsibilities within a centre consortium 

Home centres Lead centre 
Centres that make entries and registrations within the consortium programme, and are responsible for all administrative processes.   A centre that delivers the consortium programme. 

Once the consortium application has been agreed, we'll issue the lead centre with a programme number (the number with ‘consortium’ in the title) which will also be visible to all the home centres.

The home centres will be responsible for their candidates’ registration against this consortium programme and all the related administrative processes.

The consortium will be allocated the same external verifier.  

To find out more about offering qualifications as part of a consortium, contact our customer service team. 

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