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External assessment for next generation BTEC Firsts (NQF)
Our next generation BTEC First (NQF) qualifications feature an element of external assessment in addition to the internal assessment. Here's what you need to know.
Paper-based, set task or onscreen?
There are 3 different types of external assessment, designed to ensure that learners are assessed in a way that's appropriate for the sector.
Once completed, paper-based examination papers are sent by the centre to our scanning site in Rotherham, and then marked online by a team of trained examiners. When the papers have been marked, a small group of senior examiners meet and discuss the work they have seen during the marking period.
After proposing an initial range of marks for the Pass and the Distinction mark, the awarding team then selects a range of examination papers for inspection. Each member of the team will independently choose to agree or disagree about whether the work is at the expected standard for the grade that's being discussed. We then use an established arithmetical process to ascertain the Merit and Level 1 'fallback' grades.
Performing Arts
Once completed, the Performing Arts set task is sent to an examiner for marking. When it has been marked, a small group of senior examiners meet and discuss the work they have seen during the marking period.
After proposing an initial range of marks for the Pass and the Distinction mark, the awarding team then selects a range of examination papers for inspection. Each member of the team will independently choose to agree or disagree about whether the work is at the expected standard for the grade that's being discussed. We then use an established arithmetical process to ascertain the Merit and Level 1 ‘fallback’ grades.
Art and Design
Once completed, learner work will be marked by the teacher-assessor using the guidance in the specification. A moderator will then look at a sample of work, and compare their outcomes with the teacher-assessor's. Either a moderated result will then be applied, or the centre's marks will be accepted. Find out more about the process by reading the explanatory 'Coursework moderation and mark adjustments' document below.
Onscreen test responses are marked online by a team of trained examiners. Once the tests have been marked, a small group of senior examiners meet and discuss the work they have seen during the marking period.
After proposing an initial range of marks for the Pass and Distinction marks, the awarding team then selects a range of learner responses for inspection. Each member of the team will independently choose to agree or disagree about whether the work is at the expected standard for the grade that's being discussed. We then use an established arithmetical process to ascertain the Merit and Level 1 ‘fallback’ grades.
Assessment methods by sector
Paper-based |
Onscreen |
Set task |
Applied Science |
Business |
Art and Design |
CPLD | Engineering |
Performing Arts |
Construction | ICT |
Creative Digital Media Production |
Sport |
Health and Social Care |
Hospitality |
Music |
Travel and Tourism |
Public Services |
Animal Care | ||
Equine Studies |