Apprenticeship Standards Community Health and Wellbeing Worker (L3)
About the role
This Level 3 apprenticeship standard is typically designed as a 12-month programme (this does not include EPA period) and is for apprentices working in healthcare, community or voluntary settings as Health Trainer, Care or Service Navigator, Social Prescribing Link Worker, Live Well Coach, Community Connector, Community Health Champion or Community Development Worker.
The broad purpose of the role is to work in partnership with individuals and their communities to identify and address health and wellbeing needs, improve health, prevent ill-health and reduce inequalities.
Community Health and Wellbeing Workers:
- Enable individuals, networks and the communities to address unmet needs to improve their health and wellbeing.
- Work autonomously within the scope of their role and within legal and ethical requirements to implement strategies and policies that promote health and wellbeing.
- Manage data and information and maintain accurate records.
- Provide interventions that support health and wellbeing for individuals in specific settings, or in different communities.
- Use a range of methods, and behavioural science, working with people to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence to tackle their own problems and challenges affecting their health and wellbeing.
- Work alongside people as equal partners, actively listening to what matters to them, building trust and rapport to help them to recognise what they need, whilst connecting them with the best available support.
- Are at the front line of the evolving integrated health and care system, helping people navigate complex services.
- Identify appropriate support and where there may not be any obvious provision by statutory health and care services, connect with and involve the wider public, private and voluntary sectors.
- Work collaboratively to help people identify sources of support within their local communities (particularly underserved areas). Work with local groups and organisations to help develop support in relation to identified needs and resources (assets) within that community.
- Work collaboratively with leading agencies to tackle health inequalities that occur when certain groups, or people in certain areas, suffer more ill-health than people in other communities, areas or places.
In your daily work, you will interacts with:
- Individual people on a one-to-one basis and people in groups.
- Community-based organisations and service providers (including voluntary or charity-based providers).
- NHS and local authority health and care professionals, individually and in teams.
- Lay and professional workers from other sectors, including people representatives such as faith leaders or parish and ward councillors, as well as organisations such as Healthwatch.
- Peers (paid and voluntary) in their own or other organisations.
- Other workers (paid and voluntary) who they may supervise.
- Local health and wellbeing services, such as lifestyle support services, IAPT (Improving Access to Psychological Therapies).
- Sources of digital help and support, including those supporting mental and emotional health and wellbeing.
- The private sector, e.g. retail firms, local businesses.
Within the role, they will be responsible for:
- Literature, information and materials (collateral) relating to health, care, education, welfare, employment, appropriate for different levels of health literacy and in a range of languages.
- Worker (paid or unpaid) supervision and/or guidance.
- Small local budgets, ‘petty cash’, or being an authorised signatory for small payments within the scheme of delegation.
- Equipment and resources, such as supplying carbon monoxide monitors, using cholesterol testing kits, android or smart devices, laptops and secure file storage.
On this page
We provide a clear learning programme to take apprentices from entry through to the gateway for end-point assessment.
You can use our on-programme offer regardless of whether you are using Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation or not.
In order to meet the apprenticeship standard apprentices will be required to hold or achieve:
- Minimum of Level 1 English and attempt Level 2 English
- Minimum of Level 1 maths and attempt Level 2 maths.
The employer is satisfied the apprentice is consistently working at, or above, the level of the occupational standard.
Apprentices without level 2 English and maths will need to achieve this level prior to taking the End-Point Assessment.
For those with an education, health and care plan or a legacy statement, the apprenticeship’s English and maths minimum requirement is Entry Level 3. A British Sign Language (BSL) qualification is an alternative to the English qualification for those whose primary language is BSL.
As both a vocational and academic awarding organisation, we can offer a wide range of English and maths qualifications in line with your standards’ requirements from Functional Skills through to GCSEs.
English and maths resources
We have a wide range of resources and useful tools to complement your programme, including assessment tools, podcasts and training events.
End-point assessment
As an ESFA-approved Assessment Organisation, we provide a full range of assessment services, resources and support from our experienced EPA team to equip you and your learners with the diverse requirements of the apprenticeship standards.
You can use Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation, regardless of whether you choose to use our on-programme offer or not.
The EPA comprises three components.
- Multiple Choice Test
- Demonstration of Practice
- Professional discussion underpinned by a portfolio of evidence
Multiple Choice Test (MCT) – 45 mins
The Test will be primarily delivered as computer based online test in a suitably controlled environment. It can take place at employer premises, or any suitable venue selected by us as an EPAO. Remote invigilation is available as an option for employers. Paper-based test will be available as an alternative where online test is not possible.
Apprentices will have 45 minutes to complete, and the test will consist of 30 standard multiple-choice questions covering 20 knowledge statements. Apprentices must achieve 24 marks for a pass.
Grading is Fail/Pass
Demonstration of Practice (Face-to-Face/Remote) -100 mins
The demonstration of practice will be primarily delivered on one-to-one basis.
The demonstration of practice will be carried out as per the assessment plan, that is station based for learners to demonstrate KSBs through three different stations.
Station 1 – Service User issue: The apprentice will work alongside a service user (actor/ station assessor), for whom this is the first meeting, to assess and identify what their issues are, make appropriate notes, and work with the service user to coproduce an action plan to address their priorities.
At this station the apprentice will have:
5 minutes:
- be presented with an unseen case-based scenario
- Read the scenario
20 minutes:
- discuss the issue with the service user (actor)
- co-produce an action plan to address the service user’s priorities
- work safely within their scope of practice
5 minutes:
- participate in a question-and-answer session with the independent assessor (a minimum of 2 questions)
Station 1 will take a total of 30 minutes:
Station 2 – Community issue: Based on a scenario, involving community groups or organisations, the apprentice will present to the independent assessor the actions that they would take to deliver on agreed community outcomes and, drawing on their experience in their area of practice, how they would collaborate with a diverse range of stakeholders and partner agencies explaining the reasons behind their actions.
At this station, the apprentice will have:
20 minutes
- be presented with an unseen scenario involving a community
- read the scenario
- prepare to present to the independent assessor
15 minutes
the apprentice will present the actions that they would take to deliver the outcomes in collaboration with the community and that they consider to be appropriate to the independent assessor explaining the reasons behind their actions.
5 minutes
participate in a question-and-answer session with the independent assessor (a minimum of 2 questions)
Station 2 will take a total of 40 minutes:
Station 3 – Service user issue: The apprentice will work alongside a service user (actor/ station assessor) who is already partway through their action plan to follow up on issues and actions taken that have been discussed in an earlier appointment.
At this station the apprentice will have:
5 minutes
- Be presented with an unseen case-based scenario of somebody who is already partway through their chosen course of action
- Read the scenario
20 minutes
- Discuss the issue with the service user (actor)
- Discuss progress against their action plan
- Work safely within their scope of practice
5 minutes
Participate in a question-and-answer session with the independent assessor (a minimum of 2 questions)
Station 3 will take a total of 30 minutes:
The scenarios for each station:
- Stations 1 and 3: 300 – 350 words
- Station 2: 600 – 650 words
Grading- Fail/Pass/Distinction
Each station will be graded fail, pass or distinction by the station independent assessor to determine the overall grade for this method.
Professional discussion (PD) underpinned by portfolio of evidence - 60 mins
The Professional Discussion can be held face to face of remotely
The apprentice will be given at least two weeks’ notice of the PD. The PD will last 60 minutes (with discretion to increase by up to 10%) and will be delivered as required in the assessment plan.
The PD is underpinned by the portfolio (submitted as a gateway requirement). The IEA has a minimum of 2 weeks to review the portfolio and can use the contents of the portfolio to identify discussion topics. The professional discussion will have a minimum of 12 questions (with follow-up questions for clarification purposes as necessary).
Grading- Fail/Pass/Distinction
Our range of EPA resources such as EPA specification, additional resources document and practice knowledge test are designed to enhance learners’ knowledge and/or hone essential skills required.
They are available to our customers who have signed up to Pearson EPA and include information on:
- Structure
- Grading
- Gateway requirements
- Assessment content
- Evidence requirement for each component
We have designed a step-by-step guide, with signposts to our key supporting information, resources and services available at every stage of the process.