BTEC Firsts Applied Science (2012)

August 2023 Teaching Science BTEC update
Welcome to the August Teaching Science update for BTEC Science teachers where information and guidance related to Summer 2023 results can be found.

We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in schools and colleges for all your hard work in supporting your learners and helping to make sure they achieve the grades they deserve this summer.
Results dates
Summer 2023 student results dates can be found in the tables below.
Qualification | Date results released to centres under embargo | Date results released to students |
BTEC Level 3 Nationals | 9 August 2023 | 17 August 2023 |
BTEC Level 1/2 Firsts | 16 August 2023 | 24 August 2023 |
If any of your learners have not received a result and they are expecting one, you should contact us immediately through the Pearson support portal or on 0344 463 2535.
Edexcel Online and Multi-factor Authentication (MFA)
Hopefully most Edexcel Online (EOL) users have successfully gone through the MFA process over June and July. If you have not, and are experiencing problems using our EOL related systems, then please refer to the update below where you can find guidance and trouble shooting steps to help you resolve any issues.
Results support and guidance
Following the release of results to your students, if you require information to do with post results services, access to scripts, where to find grade boundaries, and other information related to results, please refer to the Getting Ready for Results update below.
We also have general non-subject specific Results page for teachers and Exams Officers that you can also refer to.
Our Summer 2023 support landing page also has lots of useful information.
Understanding your BTEC results
Ofqual set out their plans for awarding qualifications in 2023 and to return to a normal, pre-pandemic approach to grading this summer for A levels, AS levels and GCSEs, as well as for vocational qualifications. You can read Ofqual’s blog on vocational and technical grading in 2023. Our guiding principle and approach to awarding BTEC qualification results in 2023 is to return to pre-pandemic performance standards, but with checks and balances that allow us to be sensitive to the disruption learners have faced, just as for A levels and GCSEs. We aim to ensure learners are not advantaged or disadvantaged, as far as possible, compared to those studying for GCSEs and A levels.
You can read more about our approach to awarding, and how grade boundaries are set in our centre guide to BTEC results.
If you receive any queries from learners about how BTECs are awarded, you can share with them the learner guide to BTEC results.
We also know that over the last few years, more learners are now completing the RQF BTEC nationals, and centres have transitioned over from the legacy QCF. This means results distributions are not comparable to 2019. You can read our pdf guide on 'understanding BTEC results' below for more information.
Post-results and appeals
Although we are releasing results earlier this year, you will only be able to submit post-results requests on the official learner results day. This is because you need written learner consent before submitting a post results request, as grades can go up, down or stay the same.
Read our guide to post-results services
If you are not happy with the outcome of a post-results service, you may look to appeal. You can find out more about appeals on our website, and access our BTEC appeals decision tree document below.
Subject advisor
Irine Muhiuddin