BTEC Firsts Applied Science (2012)

Teaching BTEC Science March update
This update is for BTEC Science teachers and provides information on key dates, results, timetables, assessment information and news and events we have available on BTEC Level 3 reform.
Items included in this edition:
- Upcoming key dates
- Teaching, Learning and Assessment 2022/23 page
- BTEC Nationals in Applied Science and Forensic and Criminal Investigation Unit 3 (31619H) assessment
- Timetables
- Accessing results information
- Grade boundaries for external assessments
- Analysing results using ResultsPlus
- BTEC learner certification
- BTEC Level 3 reform Networks for Wales and N. Ireland
- BTEC Level 3 reform in England
- Vocational Qualification Bulletins
Upcoming key dates
Some key dates are approaching for BTEC results and entries. These have been summarised on the table below.
Date | Event |
22 March | Restricted release of December/January series results to centres for BTEC Nationals and Firsts |
23 March | Release of December/January series results to learners for BTEC Nationals and Firsts |
23 March | Entry deadline for Summer 2023 series for BTEC Firsts and BTEC Nationals. |
5 April | Restricted release of February series results to centres for BTEC Firsts |
Learners who sat BTEC assessments in the January 2023 series can be re-entered for June exams after January results have been issued, and no late fees will be charged. The entry deadline for these learners is 31 March.
Learners who sat BTEC assessments in the February 2023 series can be re-entered for June exams after February results have been issued, and no late fees will be charged. The entry deadline for these learners is 14 April.
Teaching, Learning and Assessment 2022/23 page
We have a Teaching, Learning and Assessment 2022/23 web page which will contain the most up-to-date information on vocational assessment in 2023. The link to this page is provided below and it is a page you can refer to during the year.
BTEC Nationals in Applied Science and Forensic and Criminal Investigation Unit 3 (31619H) assessment
The Unit 3 (31619H) assessment changes described in the guidance below will stay in place for Summer 2023 and future years.
You may also wish to view the recent assessments for Unit 3 on the qualifcation page to help you understand the present assessment structure.
Summer 2023 timetables are finalised and available to view on our website.
Accessing results information
Centres can obtain results reports through Edexcel Online.
Grade boundaries for external assessments
For BTECs grade boundaries are set for external units at each exam series. They are set by a group of subject and assessment experts reviewing a range of evidence (both qualitative and quantitative) to ensure that there is fairness, validity and robustness in the grade boundaries. The grade boundaries for the January exam series will be available on the link below.
Please note, that the raw mark grade boundaries change from series to series. We provide raw marks to points calculators for each exam series to confirm how the raw marks are converted to points. They are updated soon after the results are published.
Analysing results using ResultsPlus
ResultsPlus is a free online results analysis tool for teachers that can help you analyse your learners' performance in the externally assessed units. You can find more information and how to login by visiting our ResultsPlus support page. To access ResultsPlus you will need the correct permission on your Edexcel Online account.
BTEC learner certification
BTECs are modular qualifications which means that internal unit grades must be submitted by centres for certificating learners. Learners will also need to have the required external unit results to meet the ‘eligibility’ requirements of the qualification. These requirements are outlined in the specification and you can confirm your leaners have the required units and unit grades to achieve a qualification outcome using our BTEC Grade Calculators.
The vast majority of the BTEC learners certificate in the summer when GCSE and A level leaners obtain their results. Exams Officers can be contacted if information and guidance is required for making BTEC claims for learners to certificate.
BTEC Level 3 reform networks for Wales and N. Ireland
Following on from BTEC Level 3 reform sessions that took place in February and early March for centres in England, we will also be running events for centres based in Wales and N. Ireland. These will provide a brief overview of the latest developments around the reforms at Level 3 in England and provide an opportunity to ask questions and hear further details on how we will support centres in Wales and N.Ireland during this period.
BTEC Level 3 Reforms Network - Wales 28 March 2023 at 16:00 - 17:00 GMT (Event code: 23BNN01)
Description: This event is for centres based in Wales and will provide you with a brief overview of the latest developments around the reforms at Level 3 in England. The session will provide an opportunity to ask questions.
BTEC Level 3 Reforms Network - N. Ireland 30 March 2023 at 16:00 - 17:00 GMT (Event code: 23BNN02)
Description: This event is for centres based in Northern Ireland and will provide you with a brief overview of the latest developments around the reforms at Level 3 in England. The session will provide an opportunity to ask questions.
You can register for these events from our training link provided below. Please use the 'BTEC Nationals' filter to help you find the events.
BTEC Level 3 reform in England
We are keeping centres informed with latest news on L3 reforms in England via our dedicated web page - see the link below where you can find out more.
We will also be hosting the following events in the summer term.
BTEC National in Applied Human Biology briefing session: latest developments around the reforms at Level 3 16 May 2023 at 16:00 - 17:00 GMT Pearson (Event Code: 23GNAHB02)
Description: These events will provide you with the latest information on developments around the reforms at Level 3. They will also provide an opportunity to get your views and insight to help us shape our qualification(s) and support offer in ways that best meet you and your learners’ needs. The sessions will be managed by the sector team leading on the redevelopment of our qualifications at Level 3 and will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions. These events and the qualifications covered are for UK centres only.
BTEC National in Applied Science briefing session: latest developments around the reforms at Level 3 18 May 2023 at 16:00 - 17:00 GMT (Pearson Event Code 23GNAPS02)
Description: These events will provide you with the latest information on developments around the reforms at Level 3. They will also provide an opportunity to get your views and insight to help us shape our qualification(s) and support offer in ways that best meet you and your learners’ needs. The sessions will be managed by the sector team leading on the redevelopment of our qualifications at Level 3 and will provide you with an opportunity to ask questions. These events and the qualifications covered are for UK centres only.
You can register for these events from our training link provided below.
Vocational Qualification Bulletins
We send out regular Vocational Qualification Bulletins to keep centres informed of our support and services. You can sign up to these and also read previous bulletins on our website.
Irine Muhiuddin