August 2023 Politics Subject Update
This update contains useful information, news and advice for Edexcel Politics teachers relating to Summer 2023 results.

Results Day Support
On behalf of the Pearson Edexcel Politics team, we want to thank everyone in schools and colleges for your dedication in supporting students and helping to make sure they achieve the grades they deserve. This update contains key information and guidance for the Summer 2023 results period for A level Politics, including key dates, details of post-results services and grade boundaries.
Summer 2023 Grade boundaries
You can access Summer 2023 grade boundaries on our website from results day. In addition to the official grade boundaries that are produced at subject level, we also provide notional grade boundaries at paper level. These can help you mark and assess future mocks.
For 2023, the approach all exam boards have taken to awarding was to return to pre-pandemic grading, while giving students protection against any impact of disruption. Results in summer 2023 therefore are far more in line with summer exams that were sat in 2019, but lower than in 2022, when grades awarded were based on a mid-point between 2019 and 2021 outcomes. This is explained in our ‘Understanding grade boundaries in 2023’ document below:
Edexcel Online and Multi-Factor Authentication
This update provides information about Edexcel Online and Multi-Factor Authentication to ensure teachers are able to access the documents and systems they require over the summer results period.
Summer 2023 Feedback
We are running an online Summer 2023 Feedback event for A level Politics on 19 October 2023 at 16:00-18:00 GMT.
Student survey for A level Politics
Thank you for sharing our recent Politics student survey with your students - we received some fantastic feedback about their experiences of studying our qualifications and sitting exams this summer. The survey is still open and we are keen to get more feedback so if you see students over the results period please do encourage them to complete our survey to help give us valuable insight into our qualifications and assessments.
Subject advisor
Mark Battye
Government and Politics