Assessor / Coach (L4) | Pearson qualifications

Apprenticeship Standards Assessor / Coach (L4)

About this role

This level 4 apprenticeship standard is designed as a minimum 15 month programme and is for apprentices who wish to gain the skills, knowledge and behavioural competences required to work in a Assessor/Coaching role.

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The Assessor Coach role has emerged within the Education and Training Sector over the last 30 years, originally as a result of the implementation of vocational (competence based) qualifications and formalised work-based education.

The Assessor Coach is a duel professional, using their up to date professional knowledge and skills to support vocational and professional development.




We provide a clear learning programme to take apprentices from entry through to the gateway for end-point assessment.

You can use our on-programme offer regardless of whether you are using Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation or not.



End-point assessment

End-point assessment

As an ESFA-approved Assessment Organisation, we provide a full range of assessment services, resources and support from our experienced EPA team to equip you and your learners with the diverse requirements of the apprenticeship standards.

You can use Pearson as your end-point assessment organisation, regardless of whether you choose to use our on-programme offer or not.

End-point assessment - Childcare and Education
Become and independent end-point assessor


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