Entry Level Certificate Summer 2022 support

On 30 September, the Department for Education and Ofqual published the outcomes of the consultation on proposed changes to the assessment of GCSEs, AS and A levels in 2022 which included advance information.
The consultation concluded that advance information about the focus of the content of the exams should be provided for the summer 2022 exams.
Arrangements for Entry Level Certificate (ELC) in Summer 2022
The Entry Level Certificate will follow the same assessment arrangements as all other UK qualifications. Our intention is that these assessments can go ahead as usual as students are assessed at any point during the two-year course. The existing assessment materials should be used. A sample of students’ work will be submitted for moderation by the mark submission deadline (15 May 2022) and moderated by Pearson in the usual way.
In the event that examinations cannot take place, the ELC qualifications will adopt the same evidence-based TAG process as in summer 2021. You should continue to plan, teach and assess as you ordinarily would and if exams cannot take place we will provide further guidance.