BTEC Nationals Information Technology (AAQ)

BTEC Nationals December Update
Subject update |
Mon Dec 02 00:00:00 UTC 2024
The Pause and Review of the level 2 and 3 post 16 reforms continues to loom large. However while we wait to hear, I wish you all a healthy and happy end of year and festive break, I look forward to continuing to support you next year.

Level 3 Reform - Briefing Session

The future of level 3 qualifications in England
This session is for centres in England only and will focus on the impact of Government reforms on post 16 qualifications and funding. You will hear our latest updates in response to Government's announcement (scheduled for December) after the pause and review and have the opportunity to ask questions or hear from other centres who may have questions of their own.
14 January 2025 at 16:00 - 17:00 GMT
Level 3 Reform

BTEC National Alternative Academic Qualifications (AAQs)

Tim Brady
Computer Science and ICT Subject Advisor
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+44 (0) 344 463 2535
(Teaching Services team | Mon-Fri, 9am-5pm GMT)