BTEC Higher Nationals Business (2016) - RQF

Industry engagement
Industry is placed at the heart of Pearson BTEC Higher National qualifications. Throughout qualification development and validation, we work with industry experts to structure our qualifications to meet industry standards.
Co-designed with industry, higher and further education experts, and students, Pearson BTEC Higher Nationals provide real-world experience as well as academic knowledge. This ensures students will leave with the required expertise as identified by business and industry, and with the flexibility to go straight into employment or continue to a degree.
For years, employers have valued the skills and knowledge that BTEC Higher National students bring to the world of work. That is why students choose to study our programmes.
Specific companies and industry bodies that have made formal statements of support and/or actively hire BTEC Higher National students include: ACCA, DMI, ICAEW, CIMA and CMI. You can find their statements below.

Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)
Students who successfully complete BTEC Higher Nationals in Business are eligible for exemptions from some of the ACCA papers.
NB. the ACCA paper AB has been updated to Business and Technology (BT) and FAB has been updated to Foundations in Business and Technology (FBT).

Chartered Management Institute (CMI)
Business BTEC Higher National Certificate/Diploma graduates are eligible for CMI Foundation Chartered Manager status. As well as three months of free membership, students also benefit from a reduced CMI membership fee for the first 12 months. Additionally, Higher National centres can become CMI Recognised Partners, whereby learners will automatically be registered as CMI members.

Digital Marketing Institute (DMI)
Pearson are proud to be registered as an Authorised Education Partner with the DMI. Students registered on the BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business (Marketing) are eligible for discounted DMI Power Membership, and those who successfully complete the qualification can receive the Certified Digital Marketing Associate (CDMA) certification at a discounted rate.
Explore discounted DMI Power Membership
Explore the Certified Digital Marketing Associate (CDMA) certification

Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW)
Pearson is recognised as a Partner in Learning with ICAEW. The scheme recognises the shared relationship and mutual interest that we hold as education providers. It helps us to work together to share resources, knowledge and expertise.