October 2015 work-based learning and colleges update | Pearson qualifications

October 2015 work-based learning and colleges update

28 October 2015

This month's update includes information on Healthcare Screeners and the Healthcare Apprenticeship Standards Consultation (England only).

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Healthcare Screeners

We have been working with Skills for Health and Healthcare Screener professionals to develop new units and qualifications for learners wanting to progress into the following job roles:

  • Abdominal Aortic Aneurism Screener
  • Diabetic Eye Care Screener
  • Newborn Hearing Screener

The units for the three areas will be included as specific pathways in the current Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Diploma in Clinical Healthcare Support.

The amended qualification will be available from 1 April 2016.

If you would like more information, please contact your account specialist or contact us.

Healthcare Apprenticeship Standards Consultation (England only)

Earlier this year two Healthcare Apprenticeship standards were approved and published:

  • Assistant Practitioners at level 5
  • Healthcare Support Workers at level 2.

The assessment plans to accompany the two standards are currently being finalised. You are invited to take part in a public consultation which will give you an opportunity to shape these assessment plans.

Have your say about the new assessment plans

For more information on the new Healthcare Apprenticeships, visit the Skills for Health website.


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